- Aug 16, 2007
- 634
- 6
Okay let's just say I seriously think that the gym thinks they can just cut practice and not make up my daughter's practices anytime they want and expect parents not to get made when they pay fees for 3 practices a week. We pay 150 a month which is 20 more dollars than the 2 day a week groups.
My daughter's group is called level 4 stars which is a group of 2nd year level 4s in our gym who get to work out 3 days a week for 2 hours. The 1st year level 4 group only goes 2 days a week for 2 hours each time. Well the year before last, they didn't have the stars group so even if there were 2nd year level 4s on the team, they just worked out with the regular level 4's. Anyway, Emily's group was started last June with a different coach who quit in Sept. They didn't hire a new coach to take over Emily's group but instead looped us into one of the other level 4 groups of the older girls... all girls are 10 and over and practice MW from 6:30-8:30. The other group with the younger girls practice T and Th from 5:30-7:30 and Emily's group was looped with the MW group and has their 3rd practice on F from 5-7.
Well anyway, anytime the gym had things going on on Friday such as the girls halloween party, or home meets... There are 5 of them and let's not forget Halloween that was on a Wednesday... They just cancelled practice with no make up scheduled for those hours.
Okay now you know the background, here is my rant if you guys are still following me....
Monday, we were scheduled to come in even though the gym closes for President's day to rec classes. So 5:30 Monday comes and I get a call from the coach saying our other coach is sick and she can't find anyone else to come in and help her so she is cancelling our practice and will reschedule a make up for it. (Another FYI, 2 major coaches from levels 5 and 6 just had babies the past 2 weeks and another coach and the gym owner were in Tahoe for a meet with the level 7-10s at the time) So on Wednesday I send Emily to practice and I go to school. The next day I find out they did reschedule a make up for Friday... Well that covers the Monday practice for the 1st year level 4s but the stars already have practice on Friday and well we don't have a make up for our 3rd practice for the week.
So last night, I decided to take Emily to the other group with the girls that are actually her age and the girls she gets stuck with and doesn't know well at the gym meets when they break the groups up into different sessions. The reason being is that Emily is the youngest from her group and the only 8 year old so she ends up at meets with the girls from the Tuesday/Thursday level 4 group instead of the girls she has practiced with for the past 2 years.
I tried to ask the coach but she still hadn't shown up at 5:30 and I had to take my son to swim practice since his practice was at 5:30. So I just left Emily there and told her to call if she wasn't able to attend the practice. Well the Tues/thurs coach was sick(she is also Madi's miniteam coach and wasn't there on Wed for Madi's gym practice) so Emily's current coach was coaching the Tues/Thurs group as well. Well at swim practice I didn't get called so I assumed all was okay and she worked with the girls from the Tues/Thurs group. Well when I came back to get her, Emily's coach wanted to talk to me. However, she was busy with the level 5s at this point...(remember level 5 and 6 coaches are on maternity leave and our gym was already way understaffed as is and they had 9 months to find people to help them out but just decided not to hire anyone else and try to shove all the teams with fewer coachs in an already over ratio girls to coaches situation. )
So anyway, I have been so fed up with Emily's 3rd practices being treated as though they can cancel them anytime they want(acting like they are optional or something) when we pay more a month for 3 practices than the other group. (Add this to the fact that the level 5s get 4 more hours than we do for only 17 dollars more than we pay and always get missed practices rescheduled) I don't even know what to say to her coach when I see her today and which I am sure I will get in trouble for sending Emily to the Tues/Thurs group last night. I just wanted her to have her practice made up and they didn't have to let her work out, she could have called me or Jim and we would have come to get her, I only left her because I had to get Austin to swim practice(he was already late). This is just one of the reasons I am so fed up with the gym too. I seriously cannot wait to switch gyms after this state meet. I have had it with understaffed over ratio situations and now it is 10x worse with sick coaches(the tues/thurs groups coach is sick and our other coach is really sick) and with 2 coaches who just had babies in the past 2 weeks. Then add to the fact that Emily's original coach quit and they just looped us with the other group instead of finding a new coach to an already over ratio group too. Ugh Ugh Ugh...
Do I have a reason to be mad?? Do you think I should get in trouble for this??? I am so stressed out that they will kick me out or something and Emily won't be able to compete state or something horrible like that.
My daughter's group is called level 4 stars which is a group of 2nd year level 4s in our gym who get to work out 3 days a week for 2 hours. The 1st year level 4 group only goes 2 days a week for 2 hours each time. Well the year before last, they didn't have the stars group so even if there were 2nd year level 4s on the team, they just worked out with the regular level 4's. Anyway, Emily's group was started last June with a different coach who quit in Sept. They didn't hire a new coach to take over Emily's group but instead looped us into one of the other level 4 groups of the older girls... all girls are 10 and over and practice MW from 6:30-8:30. The other group with the younger girls practice T and Th from 5:30-7:30 and Emily's group was looped with the MW group and has their 3rd practice on F from 5-7.
Well anyway, anytime the gym had things going on on Friday such as the girls halloween party, or home meets... There are 5 of them and let's not forget Halloween that was on a Wednesday... They just cancelled practice with no make up scheduled for those hours.
Okay now you know the background, here is my rant if you guys are still following me....
Monday, we were scheduled to come in even though the gym closes for President's day to rec classes. So 5:30 Monday comes and I get a call from the coach saying our other coach is sick and she can't find anyone else to come in and help her so she is cancelling our practice and will reschedule a make up for it. (Another FYI, 2 major coaches from levels 5 and 6 just had babies the past 2 weeks and another coach and the gym owner were in Tahoe for a meet with the level 7-10s at the time) So on Wednesday I send Emily to practice and I go to school. The next day I find out they did reschedule a make up for Friday... Well that covers the Monday practice for the 1st year level 4s but the stars already have practice on Friday and well we don't have a make up for our 3rd practice for the week.
So last night, I decided to take Emily to the other group with the girls that are actually her age and the girls she gets stuck with and doesn't know well at the gym meets when they break the groups up into different sessions. The reason being is that Emily is the youngest from her group and the only 8 year old so she ends up at meets with the girls from the Tuesday/Thursday level 4 group instead of the girls she has practiced with for the past 2 years.
I tried to ask the coach but she still hadn't shown up at 5:30 and I had to take my son to swim practice since his practice was at 5:30. So I just left Emily there and told her to call if she wasn't able to attend the practice. Well the Tues/thurs coach was sick(she is also Madi's miniteam coach and wasn't there on Wed for Madi's gym practice) so Emily's current coach was coaching the Tues/Thurs group as well. Well at swim practice I didn't get called so I assumed all was okay and she worked with the girls from the Tues/Thurs group. Well when I came back to get her, Emily's coach wanted to talk to me. However, she was busy with the level 5s at this point...(remember level 5 and 6 coaches are on maternity leave and our gym was already way understaffed as is and they had 9 months to find people to help them out but just decided not to hire anyone else and try to shove all the teams with fewer coachs in an already over ratio girls to coaches situation. )
So anyway, I have been so fed up with Emily's 3rd practices being treated as though they can cancel them anytime they want(acting like they are optional or something) when we pay more a month for 3 practices than the other group. (Add this to the fact that the level 5s get 4 more hours than we do for only 17 dollars more than we pay and always get missed practices rescheduled) I don't even know what to say to her coach when I see her today and which I am sure I will get in trouble for sending Emily to the Tues/Thurs group last night. I just wanted her to have her practice made up and they didn't have to let her work out, she could have called me or Jim and we would have come to get her, I only left her because I had to get Austin to swim practice(he was already late). This is just one of the reasons I am so fed up with the gym too. I seriously cannot wait to switch gyms after this state meet. I have had it with understaffed over ratio situations and now it is 10x worse with sick coaches(the tues/thurs groups coach is sick and our other coach is really sick) and with 2 coaches who just had babies in the past 2 weeks. Then add to the fact that Emily's original coach quit and they just looped us with the other group instead of finding a new coach to an already over ratio group too. Ugh Ugh Ugh...
Do I have a reason to be mad?? Do you think I should get in trouble for this??? I am so stressed out that they will kick me out or something and Emily won't be able to compete state or something horrible like that.
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