Friday is a crazy day for us. Puma is having surgery (nothing major-a torn ligament in his ankle from 25 years of Jiu-jitsu) in the morning, and Puma Jr has a meet that afternoon! Her session was supposed to have been Sunday, but they changed it to 2pm Friday. It's an hour &1/2 away and I don't know how poor Puma will be feeling, so I'm sending her with a teammate. It's only the second meet in 21 that I've missed! She's being a really good sport about it. It's also her last meet as a nine year old- double digits next week!! She missed qualifying for States by a mere 0.125 last time (and they accidentally flashed a 9.875 for her last event, which we knew was wrong....heartbreaking!!) and the meet before that she would have easily qualified (needed a 6.825) but they scratched her on floor. So fingers crossed that all goes well for both Pumas on Friday!