Sorry, I disagree, feelings are just that feelings. You don't choose them. You can choose what you do about them but no you can not choose not to feel something.
I can't imagine, someone telling me feeling sad at times because I miss my mom (she died) is something I choose to feel and I can some how change that and not be sad.
And I certainly can't imagine telling my kid if she feels mad or hurt about something it's her fault because she chooses to feel that way.
And no while it's difficult to "read" tone, in person you can tell what's jealousy, anger, happiness etc.....
Shoot listen to the folks chiming here. It must be the "victims" fault for thinking to highly of her kid.
And of course the coaches can't change the parents behavior, they can mitigate it some but not change it. Why do you think many discourage watching practice because it limits the BS of the grown ups.
I have one of "those" kids. She isn't going to the Olympics but she is strong and a darn good gymmie. She has been labeled the kid to beat, and the funny part is she's not a lock this year because other kids have caught up and started passing her, it really can be anyone's day. And our gym is not a lock this year either. And boy there are some parents having a hard time with that too. Her group of kids are great. Some of the parents not so much.
I have to tell you it kinda sucks that I have to tone my joy for her down so as not to be labeled a parent who thinks her kid is "all that". It would be nice to say yeah she rocked it today instead of yeah, she had a good day. But we wait until we get out to the car to let her know, when she had a great event.
I root for all the kids, genuinely. I'm positive about all the kids, to the kids and to the parents. I teach my daughter to be gracious and she is. I volunteer, participate in activities. And overall the parents are nice and we get along.
And I still get the whispering. I hear oh good, X is in the other age group this meet. Some of the parents start to practically beam if we aren't going to a meet. I had to listen to a whole bunch of crud (with the pot stirred by one parent), because of where the coach put my daughter. Rather then tell me my daughter had a good day, it was umm did you know she was in the wrong group....As if I made the freaking decision. And in a moment of "bragging" here my kid did really well and placement would of been better in the other group.
My kid had her best floor all year. The only person who acknowledged it was a higher level parent. I can't even describe how nice it was to get a heartfelt compliment for my kid.
And I don't need hearts and flowers and unicorns. I'm a big girl, I get it. But don't say it's our fault either. And don't tell us it's us and our imagination. Sometimes it actually is the other parent. CGMs are real, they do exist.