OP here. I guess this thread puts things into perspective for me regarding various aspects - but will admit it was also a bit discouraging from an aspect of supporting each other - as parents of well-rounded human being gymnasts and supporting our kids who work individually but also as a team. As a mom coming into JO and brand new to this forum. To use the word ‘privileged’ because I would like to visit my parents, brother and family in Europe every 2 years and not want to deny my 2 kids of this experience while, yes, thinking “it’ll be fine for my gymnast” is an insult. Clearly no child, Coach, or gym is the same nor are the hours they train so the impact of being away for whatever reason however long is simply not measurable or even predictable in my opinion. Looking at score trends won’t either. Will some become elite gymnasts and need to train more than a new level 4? Sure. I still believe in fun being had and a healthy life outside of the gym (or our work), which absolutely includes having an option to be away at some point in any level for us to make time for a family vacation. I guess the amount of time of what is “reasonable” depends on the individual; their current ability and future goals. And the gym’s policy, sure.
But yes let me please clarify for the sake of “closure” regarding my situation:
- we did XB, then XS and were already given a “thumbs up” that she’d move to Gold. However, we were ALSO invited to JO4, along with wanting to know what questions we may have; which is when I indicated we have a planned vacation and was caught by surprise when the Xcel coach mentioned this could be a problem for JO. This gym’s Xcel program is paid per class in the summer with tons of flexibility, while JO is scheduled all summer with no official break. JO pays monthly all year round and that’s not news to me and wouldn’t expect any change whatsoever to our charges when away.
Somebody mentioned “I would prefer they take a set time off and we would work our time away around that. But they don't. They go year round” - same here, and honestly I would love if they also told us in advance (in the handbook maybe?) when an acceptable time is for a family vacation and we’d definitely schedule it then. And then this question wouldn’t be a question. I didn’t even know or have any indication until now that July is when they learn routines.
- My daughter just turned 8. She is very athletic and conditioning and stretching is part of her daily life as part of her passion and who she is as a person right now. Personally I don’t think she will “lose muscle mass” or “be behind” after missing 2.5 weeks - not to the extent that there will be an impact at her current level/abilities. (I also don’t believe in “behind” as this isn’t about comparing all girls against each other). What she may miss is learning and practicing every step and all dance moves in the compulsory program when these get introduced to the team, which isn’t something she is as used to coming from XS. She has just about all level 4/5 skills at this point and already performed several as part of her XS routines that 3s never competed.
- I don’t know what others consider competition season, but our competitions are roughly between November and April. The vacation we booked is for the last 2 weeks of July and a few days into August. Scheduled ages ago.
- It almost sounds like some responses indicate that their kids are possibly homeschooled; we don’t, so I can’t just take off for 2 weeks in May or even June when it’d be ideal for gymnastics and our gym is busy with year end shows for their rec program, team banquet etc.
- This attendance rule isn’t a fully defined policy. Our handbook simply states that “attendance is monitored in JO”. - We are currently waiting to hear back, but yes, was just surprised by this and curious to hear if this is the “norm”.
- my gymnast is solid and was among the top in our XS team in her division (being 7yo she was in the youngest division at very meet) but we are not on an elite track here. Our current gym wouldn’t even be the right fit if we were on that track right now. She wants to be an Olympic gymnast I won’t lie about that

- short of calling up another local gym in the event of us being denied here after having gottenthr invite, I really just wanted to see if this is possibly the norm across most gyms. But I am also not in denial that the main reason will not be because we aren’t breaking policy we have signed (it’s not defined) but rather that they truly think my daughter would suffer too much from missing 2 weeks of learning routines. All other girls are rising 3s or repeat 4s. It’s hard to imagine that but I’m not her coach and am not pretending to know more. I would hope they’d explained in detail if it comes to that.
I guess ultimately my follow-up question for the gym is not really “is it acceptable to be away” but “when is it acceptable to be away during school vacation time” so our family can plan in advance, because this trip is kind of a “must” for me and would therefore need to find a gym that would have a policy that allows for this at some point in the summer.
And with that I’m ok if this thread ends. Thanks for those who understood and who I felt did stand up for me. Sorry for any feelings hurt along the way or frustrated Saturday because of this (I know how you felt).
- FIRST time chalkbucket poster, and mom learning to navigate the world of gymnastics