WAG Kip connection

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I'm struggling with connecting something out of a kip. I can do a baby cast out of a kip on the low bar but that's not enough for a cast handstand. I can't even connect a squat on for some reason - I always end my kip with my hips away from the bar and pushing down on the bar which is probably one factor why I can't cast high enough. High bar is even worse because I can't do anything out of it. My coaches tell me its because I drop my feet too early but that's not helping me. I feel like the way I get on top of the bar is from the momentum from dropping my feet. Any advice? How do I fix my kip? (I'm getting 6 tenths off just because of this connections)
You have to improve your core strength so you can keep your feet up and end your kip with your feet in front of the bar. I don’t think there is a trick, just more conditioning.

One quick thing that might help is to video your kip and compare your head/chin position to a video of a perfect kip on youtube. If your head position is wrong, that’s an easy thing to fix. That’s kind of an all-purpose gymnastics hack: Correct your head position and a lot of other stuff fixes itself. Good luck.
watch a video from the side of your kip - after the leg lift your legs should slide across the bar until the bar arrives in the crease of your hip. if your legs leave the bar before your hip is folded around the bar you will not be able to cast effectively.

Left side: hips move away from the bar, then when she gets on top there's nothing to cast with

Right side: hips held firmly against the bar helps get feet into a position where you can swing the legs back without falling off the bar (she makes her cast to handstand)


This is the technique part of the equation - the gymnast on the right is stronger as well.
You don't have to be that strong (it does help a lot!) to kip and connect if you have a technique that works for you. As you are lifting your toes/shins to the low bar, think about your bottom lifting towards the the high bar - this will mean you have a lot more swing. If you watch video's of taller girls kipping and struggling you will notice that by the time their legs get to the low bar their hips are basically right below the LB, the more successful ones have their hips still in front of the low bar.
I'm struggling with connecting something out of a kip. I can do a baby cast out of a kip on the low bar but that's not enough for a cast handstand. I can't even connect a squat on for some reason - I always end my kip with my hips away from the bar and pushing down on the bar which is probably one factor why I can't cast high enough. High bar is even worse because I can't do anything out of it. My coaches tell me its because I drop my feet too early but that's not helping me. I feel like the way I get on top of the bar is from the momentum from dropping my feet. Any advice? How do I fix my kip? (I'm getting 6 tenths off just because of this connections)
My OG struggled with connecting something with her kip. She ended up going back to the "Old Level 5" kip-front hip connection like this:
She could cast higher out of the front hip than out of the kip.
My OG struggled with connecting something with her kip. She ended up going back to the "Old Level 5" kip-front hip connection like this:
She could cast higher out of the front hip than out of the kip.

Ooh thats interesting. I never learnt a front hip circle so I'm just gonna focus on kip cast. Even if I did, my gym would still prefer kip cast. Thanks for the perspective though!
if your legs leave the bar before your hip is folded around the bar you will not be able to cast effectively.
I have a similar issue, I cast out of my kip (even with bent arms I usually cast) but it's sometimes arched. My cast from just front support isn't arched. Could this also have to do with it?

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