L3 Jumping to top of vault table?

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Moderator/Proud Parent
Proud Parent
Aug 3, 2009
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Okay, I have seen this happen a time or two when I go to pick up Kadee. (I normaly get there 10-20 mins before the end of practice) She is going to compete L3 this winter/spring. A couple of times I have seen her run as fast as her little legs will take her, spring off the spring board (as much as she can spring at 36lbs..lol) and land, standing on top of the vault..then jump down (in a diving position, but upright..lol) in a straight body, hand over head. Why are they doing this? Is it teaching them to use the spring board? Getting them used to the table? Building leg strength? Helping them get the rhythm or running, jumping, ect? A little bit of everything?
The first time I ever saw this was actually at a little program my sons preschool class was doing. (showing off what they had learned that year) and the team girlies were practing in the background. The first time I saw it..she went running..jumped..and tried to be supergirl..lol. Good thing her coach was right there, and caught her, or she would have sailed right over the table and belly flopped on the other side. (i actually have this event on tape..to show her when she is about 16..lol)
DD did this as a preparation for the handstand flatback onto/over the table. As I understand it is about working on the run up, heel drive and power onto the springboard and getting used to the table.
I kinda figured it had something to do with the altogether picture of things. But wasnt sure. Thanks for responding
I've never personally understood the straight jump onto the table. I think it takes away from the turn over if the learn to run really fast and vault without flipping. I could see it from a short run but that's just me. The jumping off is usually used to practice sticking a landing. There are a lot of vault drills out there. Some don't even make sense to me as a coach but quite a few people use them. Chances are, when your DD flew forward, she probably hit the springboard as if she were going to actually vault and had not choice but to begin to flip.
As a level 3 coach we use the straight jump up on the table to help with the handstand flatback vault. We compete AAU so our level 3s actually do a handstand flatback vault in competition. We use it to get them in the mindset of going up first before they begin their rotation into their handstand- to keep them from diving straight onto the mats and getting tons of deductions for the first part of their vault. We do one or two passes of these (depending on how they do) before going on to the handstand vault. When they vault (and throw their chest to the mats) they understand when we ask if they went up first or straight to the mats... their vaults have actually improved since we started this.
Hope this helps.
As a level 3 coach we use the straight jump up on the table to help with the handstand flatback vault. We compete AAU so our level 3s actually do a handstand flatback vault in competition. We use it to get them in the mindset of going up first before they begin their rotation into their handstand- to keep them from diving straight onto the mats and getting tons of deductions for the first part of their vault. We do one or two passes of these (depending on how they do) before going on to the handstand vault. When they vault (and throw their chest to the mats) they understand when we ask if they went up first or straight to the mats... their vaults have actually improved since we started this.
Hope this helps.

The bolded part.

This drill is very good for teaching the athletes to set instead of leaning forward immediately into the handstand flat. The take off for a straight jump (a good set) and a handstand flat are the exact same, however this is tough for kids to understand, as one is going UP and the other seems like it's going down. Which it is! Except you rotate downwards after you set up :) and this is what the drill reinforces.
Thank you all. I knew it had to do with something in the future. (since she is a L3) I just wasnt sure what..bahaha. I know she sure doesnt get much out of that springboard, but I guess most 36lbers wouldnt.

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