. I know success in compulsories do not equal success in optional.
Depends on how you define success and yes to a degree scores matter. Long one here.
No you don’t have to score 37s, 38s, and higher to be successful in optionals.
But there is a point where if you don’t perform a skill solidly and well you simply won’t score well. So if a gymnast is consistently doing foundation skills badly it will be reflected in their scores. And they are unlikely to make to optionals.
But their scores will be very low and consistently low under 32 much of the time. And showing very little improvement.
A kid with somewhat decent skills but getting hammered with text errors. Those kids won’t medal often but their scores will show improvement. The 32-34 scorers. Those are the kids who can end up blossoming in optionals. We have such a kid at our gym. I happen to be friends with the kids Mom. Mom took a lot of heat from Dad. Dad was if she is not going to win why bother. He would of pulled her out at Level 2. She is now a L7 and getting some wins.
A couple other things to note.
Looking at one meet and one gymnast is not the way to go when deciding how good or bad a gymnast is. Bad days happen.
Gymnasts typically get multiple opportunities to meet a minimum score.
Had a first hand experience with this this year. My kid spent most of her season injured. Finally was able to do a meet. She, coaches, us parents knew she wasn’t going to score well, but she was capable of mid to upper 8 on most events, vault not so much yet. She was doing ok, AA was looking to be in the high 32s may be even 33s (which was going to her lowest score ever). And she had a bar routine that can only be described as a train wreck. This kid is capable of 9s on bars. And I sat there thinking, if someone is watching this routine and knows nothing about my kid. They are thinking....What are her coaches doing, who let this kid near a bar. Coach was stunned as were we. She plowed through and kept smiling. Had an great bar practice the next day, according to her coach (who is known for telling it like it is). I can assure you my daughters score that day doesn’t reflect her actual capabilities. But you need to see more than one meet to know that.
When she was finally ready it was.... Mom, I don’t know what happened. My hands just wouldn’t stay on the bars.
Regarding the compulsory debate. Again you don’t have to enter The JO stream until level 4. So really it’s 2 mandatory levels and you can even score out of those. Solid skills should mean a minimum score is met, so it shouldn’t be an issue. How gyms and coaches chose to do compulsory varies widely. But there are foundation skills that can’t be “skipped” they may be taught differently but they aren’t “skipped”. Some kids get skills quicker then others but again they are not “skipping” them.
Our coaches feel that JO compulsory teaches important foundation skills. Back when NY had an Early State meet for compulsory levels. Our kids did early states and moved to IGC, which allowed them to work different skills and have their own routines, but they still had the compulsory foundation. I thought it a good way to do things. My kid got a solid foundation and didn’t do compulsory routines for months.
Now that there is no early state option our gym still does JO compulsory and they score out the kids who are ready for the next level. Something they didn’t do when we did early states.
And other gyms have minimum scores of 36 or 37 to move. Or mandatory years at multiple levels.
Different paths but all should have solid foundation skills. And if you have solid foundation achieving a minimum score should not be an issue if given multiple opportunities.