MAG L5 versus L6

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Men's Artistic Gymnastics


Proud Parent
Nov 18, 2011
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Maybe I am just mis-remembering the early fall adventures last year, but it seems to me, as a casual observer, that the jump for the boys from 5-6 is bigger than the jump from 4-5. In my son's group of guys who competed L5 last year, I think everyone is missing at least one major element for one base L6 routine, and several of the guys who did pretty darn well at L5 on some events are having a hard time on the same events at L6.

What prompts the question is that we've now heard two different stories about how they will determine moveups: one is "no one moves up without being able to do full bonuses on all events at L5," and the other is "no one moves up without having or being within spitting distance of all base routines at L6." I hasten to add that either way seems to have a sound logic supporting it, and I don't have any stake in what they do with DS. But what's interesting is that the two standards don't correlate as well as I would have thought. Having full L5 bonuses doesn't necessarily predict capacity to do base L6 routines, and on floor (for instance), some guys who don't have all the L5 bonuses (endo roll, I'm looking at you!) can do L6 routines.

So is 6 that much harder than 5?
I will look forward to reading the responses!!! I have no idea though. I do have a DS that will compete level 6. I think he has at least the base routines and some bonuses, but I honestly have no idea. I wonder if there is a list of the bonuses; I may have to look! The problem I run into now is that I don't know what the skills look like either. He has several new things on the mushroom with complicated names that look the same to me!
I feel the same way, but wonder how much harder L7 is than L6 and so on? My hopeful L6 is very frustrated with pommels, although its always been hard for him.
So, this is the first year that boys are going from level 5-6 with the new routines, and 6-7 . I found the jump from old 5 to new 6 not to be that great, and D picked up the skills quickly. I am finding the jump from 6-7 to be tougher. The gap seems greater, but in reality, I don't think it is. D had almost all bonuses at 6 (except 1 on pb and 1 on hb). He has the base routines on most events now, but has a lot of cleaning up to do.

It will be interestign to see how it plays out as this is the first time kids are moving from level to level with these new routines!
I think there is a lot to learn between each level. The boys have 6 events! I'm watching all our last year L4 and 5 boys struggle with something. Although it seems to be starting to come together. As much as I hate the bonus structure for meets, I think when looking at moving up levels it is a good thing. Gives the boys and coaches motivation to keep working those skills all season.

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