Handspring Flatback on 60, 70 or 90 cm mats
(hands on crashmat)
1 From box or floor Glide swing, return to floor
2 Pullover to front support
3 Cast to horizontal (min. toes bar height)
4 Backward hip circle
5 Underswing or Toeshoot dismount
Jump to Front Support, swing leg over beam to sit, lift to Clear Straddle
Sit for 3 sec, sit on beam then swing legs to squat and stand
2 2 x Straight Jumps series
3 2 x High forward kicks right and left (min Horizontal)
4 Split Jump 135º (min 90˚)
5 ½ Turn on one leg in Passé hold forward passé position for 3 sec
2 x Leap lead up drills: Hop off 1 leg to land on same leg in plie,
followed by leap over. Repeat on other leg.
7 ½ turn on 2 feet
8 ¾ (L) Handstand Handstand
9 2 x Backward Kicks (min 45˚ below horizontal)
10 3-4 steps, hurdle, punch jump dismount from 2 feet
1 Starting Pose and dance as per video
Kneel on one knee and slide to Splits, Join legs to L sit, Lift legs to V sit,
Tuck one knee under and stand
(hands may be on floor for
slide and V Sit)
3 High forward kick (Horizontal) – Handstand Forward Roll
High kick to Handstand
Pop Fwd roll
4 2 x Springs to Straight Jump, Split Jump 135˚ (min 120˚) series, pose
5 ½ Turn on one foot, ½ turn on two feet in relevé
6 Jump 1/2 turn
7 Split Leap to 135˚ from 3 steps or under or one chassé (min 120˚)
8 Cartwheel Step in
9 Backward Roll to front support, turn to sit
10 Push to Bridge and return to lie on back
Push to Bridge,
Kickover to stand
11 Optional pose to finish