Level 5 Vault....Whats the score?

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Proud Parent
Mar 20, 2009
Reaction score
How would you score give these vaults. I will tell you her score later on. Thanks so much. She is finally getting over the vault!! So that is a victory in itself! I am sure through the season it will improve much more. Just curious what everyone else thinks! Also welcome any ideas for her! Thanks!

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Hmm... Going off of instinct here... 7.1? Congrats to her for going over the table :D! I used to dread vault when I was younger!
Woohoo! Congrats to her for making it over! That's great :) I'm no good at scoring, but maybe a 7.5?
1.00, failure to leave table before horizontal
I'd take .5 for insufficient height, maybe .2 for insufficient distance
.2 shoulder alignment, .3 bent arms
.5 too long in support

I didn't really look at landing deductions or foot form, and most judges might be more strict than me on the bent arms, particularly on the second vault (they can apply up to .5). I'm not a judge, but that's how I'd more or less apply the deductions. I'm probably somewhat generous, I'd go 7.1-7.3. Additional deductions could (probably would, by many judges) be applied for dynamics (lack of speed/power - up to .3), excessive arch in both phases (up to .3) and foot form in each phase (up to .1).

But I tend to think compulsory vault judging is a little nutty anyway and sort of double deducts. I don't care WHAT score my kids get in an absolute sense, but sometimes I get two kids getting the same score where I'm just like, these were not the same technical quality of gymnastics at all.
no idea on the score...I have been trying to understand the level 5 vault and it really isn't working...but CONGRATS to her for getting over on her own. She will improve as the year goes on I am sure.

(I saw the St. Louis Spirits gym logo, too...we used to live in STL...I miss it!:))

Can't wait to see her as the season goes on. My DD has her first L5 meet 2 weeks from today. Vault is her most hated event...I think for new L5's it must be extra scary to vault in unfamiliar gyms/unfamiliar tables.:eek:
Couldn't tell if the coach actually touched her or was just leaning like she might. I went with no touch by the coach. Congrats to her for doing the vault on her own.

My score would be: 7.2
Congrats to her on getting over the table!! Vault had my usually happy at meets kid in tears at her first level 5 meet, so I feel for you guys. I would guess in the 7s, too. She is getting over it and soon she will be getting over it like a pro. Level 5 is so different from level 4.
Hard to say since the video was a little fuzzy, but I would guess around 7.5 due to lack of speed over the table and not achieving a true vertical position.

I still give her big thumbs up for the getting over and looking solid - that is a big accomplishment!
These would probably score in a high 6 to low 7 due to support and the landing phases lots of penalties their for bent arms arch heigt distance and angles. Although it is hard to tell from this view and the clarity of the video. here is an example of a fairly good vault scoring in mid 9 range[YOUTUBE]whRRk8KDxyk[/YOUTUBE]
Thanks so much for the replies! I have no idea how they judge the vault but she got a 6.7. I am sure it will improve over the season as she gains more confidence!!!!

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