WAG Level 6 bars question

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Proud Parent
Apr 14, 2010
Reaction score
What are the cast requirements for level 6 bars? Low bar cast is low, but if she casts almost to HS on the high bar does that fulfill the requirements?

Horizontal fulfills the requirement for start value, but every cast below handstand incurs some sort of deduction off that 10SV.
If I'm not mistaken, all cast need to be within 45 degrees to handstand. My dd was a lv 6 last year, and had a beautiful bar routine but her low bar cast was not to handstand (her high bar was) and she scored low 9's.

I believe she only scored 9.15 on that routine. But you can see that her low bar cast was not within 45 degrees.
Minimum of horizontal for SV, but it won't count as one of the 5 A and 1 B required unless it is within 20° of handstand. If a cast is low, the best thing is to eliminate it (rework the routine) because a horizontal cast gets a 0.3 deduction every time.
The routine ascarter1 posted(very nice routine, by the way) is a fairly typical level 6 routine and doesn't rely on either cast as one of the counting elements:
Kip A
Cast nothing
Clear hip B
Kip A
Squat on A
Kip A
Cast (this one happens to be a B but not needed since already one B in routine)
Flyaway A

Level 6 routine (as previously stated) needs a horizontal cast(any point in routine), a bar change, a circling element and a dismount. Any cast or circling skill at any optional level that doesn't hit within 20 degrees of handstand will receive an execution deduction, relavent to to height achieved.
Thank you for the responses. Here is her routine:

Cast - around horizontal
Clear hip
Squat on
Cast - almost to HS
LO Flyaway

Is she taking major deductions on the low bar cast? Her scores have been in the high 8s. So I am guessing she is. From watching practice - seems like each time I pick up they are on bars, I never see anything else - if she casts to HS on the low bar she can't complete the rest of the low bar routine without losing control. So I think she is playing it safe in meets.
Yes, she is incurring deduction for the low bar cast, but needs the clear hip for level 6(and level 7), so not much else to do but work on getting that cast up over time and possibly move the clear hip to the high bar when ready, which eliminates a cast. Dropping a clear hip from handstand is very different from horizontal, just takes time. That's a great routine for a level 6, she is set for level 7.
Thank you for the responses. Here is her routine:

Cast - around horizontal
Clear hip
Squat on
Cast - almost to HS
LO Flyaway

Is she taking major deductions on the low bar cast? Her scores have been in the high 8s. So I am guessing she is. From watching practice - seems like each time I pick up they are on bars, I never see anything else - if she casts to HS on the low bar she can't complete the rest of the low bar routine without losing control. So I think she is playing it safe in meets.
Mine has the same problem on the low bar. If she casts too high on the low bar, she sorta looses the 'good' freehip. She definitely gets above horizontal on the low bar. Then high bar she gets up, but is afraid to go for vertical. does the 45 from vertical apply here, or must she HIT complete vertical?
45 degrees from vertical is the special requirement for a cast in level 7, it doesn't apply in any way to casts at level 6. The special requirement for a cast in level 6 is horizontal. Plus, every cast that is done by an optional receives execution deductions if not within 20 degrees of handstand(on a sliding scale from 0.05 to 0.3 depending on height). A cast must be within 20 degrees of handstand to receive credit as a value part, or counting element in the exercise(level 6 need 5 A's and 1 B, level 7 need 5 A's and 2 B's, etc)
Just so I understand completely, my daughter is competing L6, at her first meet on both handstands she was just a little shy by about 3 degrees on the handstands does get deductions and if so how much? She was about 5 degrees short of handstand on her clear hip, is that a deduction and how much?
Just so I understand completely, my daughter is competing L6, at her first meet on both handstands she was just a little shy by about 3 degrees on the handstands does get deductions and if so how much? She was about 5 degrees short of handstand on her clear hip, is that a deduction and how much?

No deductions for casts and circling skills within 10 degrees of vertical.
Just so I understand completely, my daughter is competing L6, at her first meet on both handstands she was just a little shy by about 3 degrees on the handstands does get deductions and if so how much? She was about 5 degrees short of handstand on her clear hip, is that a deduction and how much?
No deductions for casts and circling skills within 10 degrees of vertical.
Yep. My post above has a mistake, within 10 degrees for no deduction, within 20 degrees to receive value part credit. Though, I must say, I am having a hard time imagining how one can tell the difference between 3 degrees and 5 degrees away from vertical!
They were 3.14 ;) They may have been 5 degrees, super close, but definitely not to handstand. We also have video, so it's easy to see on the coach's face that they aren't to handstand (biggest indicator to someone that doesn't know much about gym when something is wrong). Thanks for the answer, I was just wondering if any of the deductions came from cast or clear height, now I know the score was just from an overall sloppy routine.
For angles/deductions someone shared this with me when I was asking:
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