Level 9 Eastern Nationals

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isn't gymnastics a great community sport?^^^^^^^^^^^^^:) can't put a price on the relationships developed over time.
What age group was she? My dd was Jr 8. She got a 9.15 on vault (9.7 sv, so pretty good!). Ended up 10th with a 36.450. I'm very proud of her. I think she expected more from herself, but she will gain perspective someday of how incredible it is just to get to Nationals. She placed 8th on bars--this is the biggest triumph in my opinion. She broke her elbow in level 5, had surgery in level 6, leaving her with a permanent bent arm (it gets less obvious over the years, but a judge did tell us that they will take off for it, esp on bars). I never thought she'd be good at bars, ever. That was her highest score at the meet! Most girls would have quit, but she stayed with it, despite pressure from a lot of people to give it up, and even from some that wrote her off.

I wish I could have been there-the pictures look so exciting!

And as Granny Smith said, 9 is in the past and 10 is in her now. She's already working on the new skills, and making her list of skills she wants to get this summer for level 10.

My dd was Jr. 7. She competed the same time as your dd, I remember hearing your dd's name being annouced during the competition! My dd was the one with the blue kinesio tape on her arm, I'm sure most girls would remember her because most were wondering what's going on with the tape. I, too, was very proud of my dd. This was her first year of L9 and to make Easterns in her 1st yr was thrilling, then considering she was out for 4 months (Jan-May 2010) due to a broken foot - I'm just in awe of how well of a season she had.

She scored over a 9 on vault, with a pike Yurchenko and vault is usually her weakest event. In my non-professional, mom based opinion I thought she was underscored on bars, but hey isn't that the beauty (or not) of the sport, it's so subjective! She also stuck a beautiful beam routine, only the 2nd of the season, with Regionals being the 1st routine she hit in Level 9. Floor, well, now I'll just blame the floor (ha-ha), she's still under 100#s so that had to be what caused the fall, right!?! I did put her routines up on youtube, if your interested you can see them, just look up carone0318 and they are in there.

As for new skills, well we got home Sunday, she was at the Dr's on Mon, we are going for an x-ray today and then to Sports Medicine Dr on Tues 5/17. We need to find out what's going on with her elbow. She has swelling and it has locked up on her a few times in the last 2 weeks. It wasn't going to stop her from Easterns though, her choice. She's 14, almost 15 and I gave her the choice to go to the Dr, who would probably shut her down or go to Easterns - she chose Easterns. She is chomping at the bit to work new skills, so the sooner we find out what's going on the better.
To Granny Smith: isn't it amazing how determined these girls are...I feel like such a wuss (sp)
To GAgymmom: Congrats to your daughter...she done good!

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