Parents Level for Front Hip circle

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Proud Parent
Jan 31, 2015
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DD's friend competes in L3 and has her front hip circle. DD and her friend have been practicing together for the last few days since we have been iced in on DD's bars. My DD is not at the same gym and is doing the bronze bar routine. She ends up doing a chin up at the end. What level is this required to compete?
Ok... part of the confusion is that your gym seems to have a set routine for Xcel Bronze. There is NO SET routine on any event for any Xcel division (every gym deals with it differently), so when you say she does "the Bronze bar routine." everyone else is clueless.

In JO, The Front Hip circle is only required in L3. It used to also be in the next level up, but when they redid the levels, they took it out.

In Xcel, the Front Hip Circle can be done in Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum or Diamond.
My OG had it in her Xcel Gold routine last year. YG has toyed with putting it in this year, but she discovered that 1st place is fun and wants to compete "clean routines guaranteed to stick."
Gotcha....DD's routine for bronze is pullover, back hip circle, some kind of split dismount thing that I don't know what it is called. At competition I saw that routine over and over so I just assumed it was standard.
front hip circle... Is that the Stride Circle or the Mill Circle?

If it is... then it is required for L2 and L3 bar routines. The difference being the L3 have a shoot through and the L2 just lift there arm to place the leg. FYI

I know, I know, I'll go ahead and say what you all are thinking...

<--- Gym GURU

No, mill circle is different. That is in level 2 and 3. The fhc is sort if like a bhc except they spin forward instead of back. :p That one is only in level 3 for jo.
If you are curious, this has the compulsory JO routines. I don't think anything has changed, but I am pretty new to the gym world. Link Removed
Oh my, this might be a question for the coaches forum!

Stride circle and mill circle are the same thing. Though, you got the rest right about the level 3 shoot through and the level 2 leg cut, blueredzone :)

Most gyms have the kids do pullover, cast back hip circle, underswing dismount or cast straddle on sole circle dismount in Xcel bronze. Technically you can add other things, but usually coaches don't do that.

Level 3 bars= glide swing, pullover or kip, front hip circle, cast shoot through, mill circle, leg cut cast back hip circle underswing. So the typical bronze routine is equivalent to about the last third of the level 3 routine. There is a big difference in the skill level required at these levels, however technique is everything no matter what the routine.
Thanks gymdog! The pullover, cast back hip circle, cast straddle is my daughters routine for next year. She practices it everyday so she has it down pat. She is frustrated because her friend is able to do more on bars than her. DD is so competitive.

DD competed level 2 in competition but is moving up to xcel bronze hopefully in the summer whenever they move the girls up. Our gym does Novice (level 2, my daughter's group), then xcel bronze, silver, gold until level 6 which I am perfectly fine with b/c my daughter doesn't have a BHS, front hip circle, or kip for level 3. She has a huge fear of the BHS. I just enrolled her in tumbling classes to help with that. I have lots of faith in her getting the front hip circle but if she isn't competing level 3 then it doesn't really matter from what I am understanding.

Thank y'all! This forum is very helpful to moms new to the sport. I am trying to be a supportive mom and help her but when it comes to routines and new skills I am clueless!
Interesting. I'm pretty sure going from level 2 to Bronze is more of a lateral move - not "moving up" in terms of skills. You may want to check the skill sheets for XCel. I'm no expert, but I would assume someone who did ok at level 2 could move to Silver. ??
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Previously my daughter was on xcel bronze (old gym) but lacked her bar skills so she wasn't allowed to compete. She was the youngest member by a year they said. They were going to evaluate her every few weeks to see if she got them. We were out of town most of the summer so she didn't start team until September. The first competition was in October and she wasn't ready for it. However there was a lack of communication on the evaluations and we switched gyms. I only knew this gym since we had been there for 4 years. Our old gym did levels and the xcel program.

This is the way it works where DD goes now from my understanding: novice (which is equal to level 2) competes 1 competition to get them accustomed to competitions. After her first competition my DD made it known she was 100% on board with competitions and wanted to do more. Then xcel bronze competes 6 competitions. I know she has improved drastically over the last few months in her technique and confidence so I assumed xcel bronze was moving up.
Xcel Bronze CAN be a step up from L2. They are ALLOWED to do up to 2 flight acro skills on floor WITH hand support, but it is not required.
On bars, they are ALLOWED to kip (choice of mounts), choice of circling skill, cast, and choice of dismount.
Beam... minimum of 1/2 turn on 1 or 2 feet, a jump or leap, a non-flight acro skill (CAN do a cartwheel or choice of skill), dismount - not a salto or aerial (can do a jump or L3, L4, L5 dismount or FHS dismount or RO dismount)
Floor... no "B" skills and no saltos or aerials... 2 directly connected acro skills, 2nd acro pass with 1 acro skill, dance passage with at least 2 different "Group 1" skills, including a 60º cross or side split LEAP, and a minimum of a 1/2 turn (but they can do a full turn).

Vault is like the L2-L3 vault.
Interesting. I'm pretty sure going from level 2 to Bronze is more of a lateral move - not "moving up" in terms of skills. You may want to check the skill sheets for XCel. I'm no expert, but I would assume someone who did ok at level 2 could move to Silver. ??

Since her gym competes bronze, silver, gold until L6 they are using it as an alternate path to optionals (although yes at some point they would have to score out of L4&5). So I would guess that they way her gym is set up is that bronze is equal to skill level of L3, Silver-L4 and Gold-L5 or some approximation of that. So at her gym they probably cannot skip from L2 to Silver. The thing about Xcel is that there is much flexibility in the program so gyms can use it however they want and set their own requirements as long as they are within the general Xcel requirements.
Interesting. I'm pretty sure going from level 2 to Bronze is more of a lateral move - not "moving up" in terms of skills. You may want to check the skill sheets for XCel. I'm no expert, but I would assume someone who did ok at level 2 could move to Silver. ??

Silver they have to go over the vault table which is hard for most little kids. I wouldn't expect a level 2 to move to silver. In my state tons of Xcel bronze compete a round off back handspring.

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