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Sep 3, 2005
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Need some inspiration? Check out our post with all sorts of great quotes from gymnasts and coaches...

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Post any motivational quotes & videos that you find! Not just from gymnasts... post them from anyone.​

I'll start off with one of my favorite videos...

Do you remember when you first started gymnastics?
It was so much fun,
Because all you had to do was try your best.
Competing was for a new leo and glitter,
Because everyone got a medal.
Mistakes were little,
And could always be fixed another time.
And you just knew you were going to the Olympics.
And you wanted to go to gymnastics every day.
And you were just desperate to get a rip.
And on Monday mornings, all the girls would take their medals to school
To show the teacher.
And you would watch the "big girls" train and think,
"I want to be just like them"
But then things started to get hard.
Now, when you fall, it hurts,
And it's so much harder to get back up again.
And no matter how hard you try,
There's always that one skill,
That you just can't get.
Competitions became so much more serious,
And only a few girls get medals.
And what you place means the difference between a smile and tears,
Because there are no second chances.
And you found out what it was like to be THE best,
So just trying your best,
Will never be quite good enough again.
The girls you were best friends with start to disappear.
Your team gets smaller and smaller.
And on Monday mornings, the talk is all about parties and boys,
And you can't join in.
And some days you just hate it.
And the pain just gets worse.
And you just want to quit.
But then one day at training,
Out of the corner of your eye,
You see a little girl watching you.
And you realize how far you've come,
And how good you really are.
Because a few years ago,
That little girl was you.
Do you remember when you first started gymnastics?
It was so much fun,
Because all you had to do was try your best.
Competing was for a new leo and glitter,
Because everyone got a medal.
Mistakes were little,
And could always be fixed another time.
And you just knew you were going to the Olympics.
And you wanted to go to gymnastics every day.
And you were just desperate to get a rip.
And on Monday mornings, all the girls would take their medals to school
To show the teacher.
And you would watch the "big girls" train and think,
"I want to be just like them"
But then things started to get hard.
Now, when you fall, it hurts,
And it's so much harder to get back up again.
And no matter how hard you try,
There's always that one skill,
That you just can't get.
Competitions became so much more serious,
And only a few girls get medals.
And what you place means the difference between a smile and tears,
Because there are no second chances.
And you found out what it was like to be THE best,
So just trying your best,
Will never be quite good enough again.
The girls you were best friends with start to disappear.
Your team gets smaller and smaller.
And on Monday mornings, the talk is all about parties and boys,
And you can't join in.
And some days you just hate it.
And the pain just gets worse.
And you just want to quit.
But then one day at training,
Out of the corner of your eye,
You see a little girl watching you.
And you realize how far you've come,
And how good you really are.
Because a few years ago,
That little girl was you.
This was absolutely lovely. Whoever wrote this, bravo!
It's sort of a take on the Erin Hanson poem:

“There is freedom waiting for you,
On the breezes of the sky,
And you ask "What if I fall?"
Oh but my darling,
What if you fly?”
― Erin Hanson
I see a quote thread going now... post them here.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.”

Will Durant paraphrasing Aristotle
Here is another thread with quotes...


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