Parents M's first level 4 meet ever!

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Proud Parent
Aug 16, 2008
Reaction score
She did it! I survived it!:) Oh, and so did she!;)

I was very proud of her at her first meet, she had just "found" her FHC back at the last practice before her meet. She got all her skills, and now she just needs to polish and perfect things. Next year she should have a good 2nd year L4 season.

For right now, I could not be ANY more proud. They did medals all the way out to 16th place for AA so she does have a medal to take home. And...she had FUN, she really did. She also qualified for STATES which are in 3 weeks.

Floor 8.3 (no place)
Beam 8.250 (no place)
Bars 8.475 (9th place)
Vault 8.750 (no place)
AA 33 something...(11th place)

YouTube - Charleston Challenge Level 4
Good job! Happy you both survived:) Really, I think it can be so much harder on us moms.
She did great! Congrats to her and how awesome to qualify for states at her first meet. She looked great out there. :D
Congradulation! I think she looked great out there! Her lines are very pretty! Now onto States! Go knock the judges socks off!

And I agree with you. It is more stressful on the parents than the gymnasts! I was a nervous wreck during competitions, especially beam. I had to remind myself to breath. I swear I think I held my breath the whole time dd was on that beam! :eek:
Looking lovely! What a great first meet. Her split leap and split jump on floor are looking very nice, by the end of the season they'll be really great! Way to go M!
Congradulation! I was a nervous wreck during competitions, especially beam. I had to remind myself to breath. I swear I think I held my breath the whole time dd was on that beam! :eek:

me too. And bars!!!!!;) (and floor and vault):o
She looks awesome! I would never have thought that was her first meet! Such pretty lines! Good job M! Good luck at States!

I saw the South Carolina Flag. My husband graduated from the Citadel. We love that State!
Yeah for her!! (and for you!) And I agree--it's harder on us parents watching LOL!
Great scores!! Looks like that was a really solid meet. Good luck at state!! We are preparing for that too!!
Oh my goodness, she is such a performer! I loved watching her on the floor routine; everything was so dramatic. She did really well--didn't you say she just started in Dec? That's not much time at all. Congratulations!

Whew! And now you can breath, too, right?

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