Parents National TOPS testing

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I thought it was interesting in the parent meeting when Kim Riley was talking about how the parents should push back against the gyms and booster clubs that require the parents to pay the coach expenses when going to the camps because the gyms are benefitting from the coaches getting the knowledge they get from the camps.
I thought it was interesting in the parent meeting when Kim Riley was talking about how the parents should push back against the gyms and booster clubs that require the parents to pay the coach expenses when going to the camps because the gyms are benefitting from the coaches getting the knowledge they get from the camps.

Parents are going to pay for it one way or another...however...I agree with her. It is put under "coaches education" at our gym and the coaching / travel cost is divided evenly between everyone on team.
Any news on the scoring this year? I'll be interested to hear how the judges are handling the skills this year.
Any news on the scoring this year? I'll be interested to hear how the judges are handling the skills this year.
Any news on the scoring this year? I'll be interested to hear how the judges are handling the skills this year.

What were the skills scores last year for those that made A? 9s? All we have heard this year is that 9s are rarely given.
It was announced that the weighting for the skills vs physical abilities would be 50/50 for 8 year olds, 60/40 for 9 year olds, and 70/30 for 10 year olds. There was one 10 year old that apparently did exceptionally well at testing as they actually invited her to stay down for next week's Developmental Camp! I guess the coach and athlete were both shocked, as to be expected, but they were able to work it out and she is staying for camp. Congrats to her!
It sounded like 8s are pretty good scores this year. Our coach said she didn't see many 9s-- even on clean routines.
Wife was worried about our daughter "being alone" because we are in one cabin (LA 4) and daughter is in another (LA 6) with 2 other we took her out to eat at the Cracker Barrel.

Yah...we got up this morning to find out that they danced to "shake it off" and had a pillow fight. This is after she knocked on our door to tell us she was going to breakfast with her new friend and the other other couldn't come because she was testing already.


One 8yo hit mostly 9.7s across the board and should be high scorer. I know another 8yo with a 9.7 on bars and low 9s on many of her other events. Any other scores?
Wow! Those are huge scores! Congrats to those talented gymnasts.

My daughter was mid to high 8s. Not great, but she said there a lot that were much lower with the 10 year olds. Particularly on bars.
It's so nice to hear all the fun things from testing! I can't wait to hear about the experience from my DD!
Hopefully, by Nov. 1st, but they are shooting for Oct. 25!
Super fun for our first time at TOPs. I thought it was very low pressure...great environment overall.
It was a great time. I enjoyed seeing all the stuff moose head , rams head and I guess a bison head hanging on the wall at the hunting lodge. This was first year going to see that. I also enjoyed messing up the fireant hills. Good times.
I can't wait to chat with our girls and hear all about it tomorrow!!!
No, but we had a horse following us everywhere. It was a little scary after awhile. I was thinking oh god I hope he don't step on her foot before testing. Then of course she stepped in some questionable "dirt, hmmmm." We also saw a peacock and goats ( not sure, they were small and fenced in). It was fun, but hot, very hot.
These temperatures were very mild for Texas! lol I figured some of the visitors would be choking on our Texas humidity. You all should try a summer trip when its 100+ degrees! We talked with some people from New Jersey, they asked how our winters were, and we told them 32 is so cold it's crippling!!!! If a snow flake falls, SHUTDOWN the schools and everyone stay inside. HAHA

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