new floor music - like it or not?

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i just got my cd of the new level 1-6 floor music and im not sure if its just as annoying or slightly more annoying than the old floor music - something to look forward to next meet season!! :)
I thought they came out for the 2010-2011, or the 2011-2012 season, didn't realize they were out now. Can you put a clip up on here or youtube? Would love to hear what they sound like
the routines are all the same its just the music that has changed - the routines will change in 2013 - i took the cd to the gym tonight and they are all burning copies - i did however record the new level 4 music on my cell phone so i could send it to another gym mom - i will try to post that

i got the actual cd from the usag website - it was 15$

the girls practiced to it tonight and it didnt flow well with the routine - it seemed choppy but i think they may just need to get used to it
After June 1, you can watch the routines with the new music online according to USAG.
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I wonder what music DD will be using.
Why change the music if the routines aren't changing? It looks like its optional to change it or keep the old music. I wouldn't change it if the girls are use to the old music. Just makes doing the meets harder if you have 2 sets of L4 - 6 music to work with. stick with the old music until routines change and save some money
For level 4, I hope that Abby can still use the same music as she already knows the routine to that music, though at the same time, maybe learning the routine to different music will actually help her to do it like the new gym does. ??? I am hoping the level 5 music is better than the current stripper sounding music. LOL. I LOVE the level 6 music and so does Abby, so hope that they get a choice or just stick to the original music.
The routines with voiceovers are posted on USAG now: Link Removed

I feel like the L5 music is going to be HARD for some kids, but maybe it would be easier without the voiceover (hard to hear some parts). If I had to guess, I'd say that my gym will probably stick with the old music.
this new music is so bad. there are very few beats for the moves to go to. do compulsaries have to use the new music or can they use the old?
Oh I do NOT like the new Level 6 music! I'm glad DD is out of it now!

But the GOOD thing is, maybe some gyms will use the new, some will use the old, so at least there will be variety to the music during compulsory meets next season???
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This music is ridiculous. Why is there no rhythm whatsoever to any of it? L1 was atrocious and "digital" sounding. L2 seemed to start with promise, then went all crazy around the headstand. None of that matters to me since I really don't use L1-2 music at all.

L3 is BORING, and the random weird bell/sparkle sounds are unnecessary. L4 is just really fast repeating sounds that stop once in awhile. Okay. And why is there is a rattlesnake noise during the half turn?

I only like L5 for one second right during the waltz step and 1/4 turn to curved run. The rest is just weird and there's no discernible parts that the kids can use as a cue to the routine. Stripper music was better, especially once I got used to it.

L6 is once again BY FAR the best of the bunch, but the part before and during the front handsprings bother me. I can already tell that the corner to corner part with the back extension is going to be an issue though. The part with the kick to pose is kind of difficult to follow where the kick should be.

For level 4, I hope that Abby can still use the same music as she already knows the routine to that music, though at the same time, maybe learning the routine to different music will actually help her to do it like the new gym does. ??? I am hoping the level 5 music is better than the current stripper sounding music. LOL. I LOVE the level 6 music and so does Abby, so hope that they get a choice or just stick to the original music.

They will next year for sure, but I'm not sure what happens after that. Last time music was changed mid cycle I think I was a L6 (and we used the new music) so I don't remember for sure what happened after that. I thought more or less everyone transferred over after the first year, but maybe it wasn't mandantory per se, just kind of a spreading effect of sorts.
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Oh my gosh, the music sucks. Level 4 is horrible. Level 5, I would rather have the stripper music. Who on earth approved this stuff? At least something pretty and modern sounding? I don't think I can listen to that for the next how many years my kid will be in compulsories. LOL. Maybe I can get her to quit. Ugh.
Are you guys kidding? I LOVE the L5 music! L4 is okay, same with 6. But the L5 is very dramatic and pretty. Although there might not be many music cues, I think it sounds much more subtle than the last year's music. The old music wasn't very subtle - too many broken music cues. The L5 music will be a challenge.

My only problem with it is that it is very dramatic so I will get creative and do little head/arm things that aren't in the routine. I love dancing...
I like the L6 music, and L5 has some good parts too. I really don't care for the L1-4 music. What's up with all of the bell sounds in the L3 music?

Maybe it's just that I'm used to the cues for the routines for L3-5 and what part of the routines fits with those cues, so it's hard now to see the same moves to different music. I wonder which version dd's gym will end up using...I'm kind of hoping they stick with the old stuff.
This music is ridiculous. Why is there no rhythm whatsoever to any of it?
This is my take...

Lame music is good from a skill standpoint. Music with a beat is easy to dance to if one is music/dance inclined -- little training is required. It's a real disadvantage for those who aren't so they can actually show off their other gymnastics attributes. Whether it's intentional done that way, I wouldn't have a clue.

One other thing to note is that the new music has very abrupt stops and gos. That should help pacing out the routine if a young athelete just starting out is really musically challenged.

Just my 2 cents.
this new music is so bad. there are very few beats for the moves to go to. do compulsaries have to use the new music or can they use the old?

i agree! our high school ran a rec gymnastics program, we taught the level 2 routines and they had a big meet at the end of the season, the split jump was always easy to place because it went with the big cymbal crash, the music is too flowing and smooth, i think this will make it more difficult to coordinate skills with.

however of the new music the level 6 is definitely my favorite!
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The level5 music is so blah, I think my daughter's gym is using the old music. I am not sure how she will be with the new music it seem like it would make the routines harder and not as dramatic.
If the idea was to make cheap sounding nursery school / romper room marches, they nailed it.

USAG, for all that it's suppoosed to be: WHY OH WHY can't they get a REAL musical "arrangement" done?? I mean, they could have used the same music, but scored and performed by an orchestra.

It would be far more professional, exciting, easy on the ears, and more engauging for all ages. I don't understand the insistance on using LAME sounding, Casio created midi-music, to represent the up and coming gymnastic talents of our NATION. It's embarassing!!

The L1-6 music, (new and old) was clearly done on the cheap - first and foremost.
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I like the new level 5 music a lot better- I hated dancing to the other one, it felt inapropriate somehow. But personally I think all the new music needs more oomph; it's kinda dull. I really like level 6; sort of reminds me of a haunted house, and the piano parts are so awesome. But the old level 6 was the kind of music you could really get into- the new one sounds sorta stiff IMO.
And I was watching the level 6s practice a couple days ago and the turn to back extension roll could be a stumbling block for everyone. It's just so vague at that point in the music.

Level 1 was obnoxious, but suitable for the age group. Level 2 actually wasn't all that bad. Level 3 kinda reminds of old level 5. Same with level 4. Level 4 is yuck. I loved the old level 4...

Overall, they pretty much resemble the old music except for level 4 and 5. Level 6 still has that creepy sound, though it seems to have ditched the middle-eastern feel the old one had. Level 5 is a BIG change- went from being "stripper" to a kind of melancholy synthesized thing.

I know only level 5 and 6 affect me. It's my bad luck that I listened to level 5 and 6 the point where I have no trouble dancing to it, and then the music changes on me. At least the music is okay. xD I like level 6, level 5 is kind of odd but cool. So it's okay I guess.

P.S., everyone is totally right about there being a lot of stops. I was noticing that too. It DOES make things a lot easier but at the same time it doesn't sound as good.
It would be awesome if they could use real instruments to make the music. This was very clearly made on a computer or a keyboard.
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