WAG New floor routine right before a meet?

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My DD, 10, is going to be competing at the upcoming HOPEs classic. Her floor music right now is Addams family, and definitely is a "cutesy" routine. It works at normal level ten meets, since she is always the youngest one there. However this meet will be all kids around her age at the same skill level. Her coach wants her to learn a new routine, but the meet is at the end of the month and I'm worried it will be to much for her. She has very strong dance and wants her to get a more dramatic routine to show off her dance. I know I should listen to her coaches but the mom in me is worrying about it being a lot of pressure. Should I just sit back and let them coach, or give my input....
If it makes you feel any better, my OG learned a new floor routine 2 weeks before the biggest meet of her life (and only actually ran through with the music 3x and STILL got her 2nd best score of the year - with tough scoring)!

She might surprise you. :)
Sit back and let them coach.

If she's going Elite, this is minor pressure compared to what she'll be under later.
Good point. I usually let the coach do the coaching, but her coach mentioned it to me in a way that seemed like she was asking me if I thought it was a good idea, which made me nervous. I guess she'll have to get used to pressure like this!
I certainly understand your concern. It is a big and important meet; but with the 4 tumbling passes, the choreographed part should not be too long. She's gone this far so quickly, a new routine 4 weeks before her meet will be a piece of cake for her. Did anyone ask her what she thought?

A few years back my daughter was moved up to Level 7 midseason. She was taught her floor routine 3 days before her first Level 7 meet and did her very first full routine with tumbling passes the day before the meet. Since she mostly did run throughs prior to the first meet, she was jogging to her first tumbling pass when halfway through she realized she had to tumble. She actually scored mid 9s at this meet. So it worked out somehow.

Good luck to your daughter! That's pretty exciting!
I certainly understand your concern. It is a big and important meet; but with the 4 tumbling passes, the choreographed part should not be too long. She's gone this far so quickly, a new routine 4 weeks before her meet will be a piece of cake for her. Did anyone ask her what she thought?

A few years back my daughter was moved up to Level 7 midseason. She was taught her floor routine 3 days before her first Level 7 meet and did her very first full routine with tumbling passes the day before the meet. Since she mostly did run throughs prior to the first meet, she was jogging to her first tumbling pass when halfway through she realized she had to tumble. She actually scored mid 9s at this meet. So it worked out somehow.

Good luck to your daughter! That's pretty exciting!
WOW 3 days before I can't even imagine!!!! Her coach hasn't told her yet but she will be excited she's been wanting "older girl music" all season, its just me that worries lol! I know she'll be fine I just don't want to be to pushy with her, this already all is a lot and so new to us!
New floor routine it is. DD has her heart set on using this as floor music... .... we've always used floor express music in the past, are you even able to crop youtube songs?? Need to talk to coach when I pick her up later.
I believe you have to pay to use the music or you are in copyright violation.

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