I still stand by my word in an earlier post, no viewing is a deal breaker! That is the beautiful of some many different gyms, if a rule applies that I, as the parent, do not like, I can take my child and my money elsewhere. If I am going to pay, the basic rules of the gym will fit my needs as a parent - it's nothing personal.
I am a parent of a high level gymnast and I've seen my share of bad spills and I just stand there, sometimes I don't even flinch, not because I'm cold hearted

, but because I know my child's reaction can be based on my reaction, so I show no reaction. I've seen her do a BHS-BLO on beam and the only thing that hits the beam on the landing of her BLO is her crotch. It's not pretty and I know it hurts like h*ll! I just stand there cold faced. I get what dunno is saying about parents watching high level gymnasts, many of moms (mostly) do freak out and gasp and make a scene, it really doesn't help the situation. Those parents need to learn to control their emotions cause bad spills happen all the time, not necessarily to your child, but they do happen in the gym.
Also my child has been "talked to" many times, especially when she was younger about looking up in the observation area. It wasn't like I was signing corrections to her or anything. Sometimes I'd give her a thumbs up if she did something well, many times I'd look away. Quite honestly, it's not my problem she looks up in the observation area, it's hers. She needed to get over doing it. She needed to learn to block out the external factors, it wasn't like I wasn't going to go to meets. She needed to learn to tune me out. If she got caught looking up, she would get yelled at by the coach - live and learn. She really doesn't look up anymore, she does her thing and I'll either watch, if I'm there or I'll be talking to my friends!
I now basically get there the last 30-40 minutes of practice and it is so boring! They are usually conditioning lately, but I do stay and watch practice on Saturday (if I don't go out to lunch with my gym mom friends!) I always say if I'm going to complain about something, I will be an informed complainer! I reserve my complaints for only safety issues. In our 12 years of being at the same gym, I have only initiated a complaint on 2 occasions. I don't think thats too bad!
Oh and no obversation and injury do not go hand & hand, at least in my experience. Injury and being able to observe don't go hand in hand, but at least if I am watching I can make sure that what she is limited to doing is all she is actually doing and not more! This was one of my complaints one time and the funny thing was when I was present was when she did what she was supposed to do and when I just showed up, out of the blue, and saw she was doing things she wasn't supposed to be doing then I flipped. Coaches don't want you to stay and watch, but when I show up and she's doing things the coaches were clearly told she was not supposed to be doing - well, sorry that makes me want to stay there and watch them like a hawk! That was a live and learn moment for me...