Proud Parent
- Aug 8, 2014
- 226
- 362
I think most kids coming to practice with pop (diet or regular) and junk food are not doing so because they have parents who have thoughtfully prepared them the healthiest snack to meet their dietary needs. A more likely scenario is the junk food was in the cupboard and the kid grabbed it.
Actually, even more likely -- it was all that was available in the vending machine in the gym lobby and the child was hungry having come straight from school. Perhaps the snacked parents packed was eaten at recess, or forgotten, or whatever. Seriously, I think the most frustrating thing with our gym a couple of years ago was a letter from the coach complaining about the girls eating "junk" before practice. I took a photo of the lobby vending machine and sent it to him -- not a single thing he listed as "healthy options" was available, and all of the things he complained about were clearly visible. Sure it would be best for kids to bring snack from home. But it is not always possible for a huge number of reasons. So, at the very least, if you are going to say that oreos (or whatever) aren't a healthy option, they shouldn't be the only things in your vending machine!