Olympic Trials Tonight!!!

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I don't know about you guys, but I LOVED Anna Li's bar routine tonight. That was absolutely amazing!
The Olympic Team Is:

Gabby Douglas
Mackayla Moroney
Ali Raisman
Kyla Ross
Jordan Wieber


Elizabeth Price
Sarah Finnigan
Anna Li

Gabby was 1st and got the automatic spot!! She was awesome. She only won my 1 tenth.

Jordan was awesome too. She kept fighting and held on.

Even though Rebecca didn't make it I love how she kept fighting during her bars routine. I've never seen anyone fight so hard. I was inspired.

What did you guys think???
I guess they really want to win vault. Maroney surprised me a little bit.
I'm suprised at the alternates but I like it. The alternates did not expect to make the team going into trials so they should be happy they made it that far.
My jaw hit the floor at Maroney's vault. That thing was HUUUUUUUGE!

I'm glad Li made the team, even if only as an alternate. Her bars are certainly world class.
I was surprised at Maroney being selected because of her concussion, but that vault was enormous.

Gabby was just so cute in the interview. SO CUTE.
I was surprised at Maroney being selected because of her concussion, but that vault was enormous.

Gabby was just so cute in the interview. SO CUTE.

I know! I loved her happy dance! I'm so happy she's on the team!!
Does anybody think that Rebecca Bross might have been sick yesterday? It thought she looked really pale. That bar routine was so uncharacteristic of her, even with the problems she's been having lately. I remember a few Olympics ago a figure skater got the flu and had to bow out. Could you even imagine how awful that would be knowing you'd be fine in a day or two?
She might have been. The whole woga crew really just looked burt out, tired and done.
I thought it was really tacky of NBC to follow the girls sitting on the side and all that instead of the routines of girls who were competing at that time. I've never seen Sarah Finnegan's; they were too busy watching everyone hug on the side.
I thought it was really tacky of NBC to follow the girls sitting on the side and all that instead of the routines of girls who were competing at that time. I've never seen Sarah Finnegan's; they were too busy watching everyone hug on the side.


Also, they weren't exactly subtle with where they focused the camera while girls were waiting to vault. Definitely meant to get male channel surfers to stop surfing and watch; definitely tacky.
Does anybody think that Rebecca Bross might have been sick yesterday? It thought she looked really pale. That bar routine was so uncharacteristic of her, even with the problems she's been having lately. I remember a few Olympics ago a figure skater got the flu and had to bow out. Could you even imagine how awful that would be knowing you'd be fine in a day or two?

I was wondering the same thing. When I saw the close up on her right before her bar routine I thought she had "that look." It is the same look in my kids eyes when they don't feel well. I felt so bad for her. Of course I didn't see warmups and NBC chose not to show her beam routine, so it is hard to tell when we just had that one glimpse.

I found myself once again yelling at the TV for not showing us some of the routines. I was Glad they showed Anna's bars though.
Does anyone know if the non-televised routines will be anywhere on line? It was nice to see the Visa ones posted.
The thing that made the the most MAD at NBC was not acknowledging the rest of the field. They never even said the names of half the field. In swimming they at least say the names of the finalists. I know that tv coverage is not about what the athletes deserve but still. When showing how good the best are, at least show us the really good routines from the rest so we can compare them to the absolute best. There were only fourteen competing. NBC didn't even show one routine from Finnigan and she ended up being an alternate. That is my persoal rant against NBC. The swimming coverage has been much better.
I'm really happy with the entire team, mens and womens. However, I'm very upset that Asac wasn't named an alternate and her career is now over :( She's been my favorite gymnast for a loooong time now. I'm also sad Jordyn didn't take 1st, I love her and John Geddert and really wanted her to have the perfect year and win everything, lol. Although I love Gabby and she deserved to shine last night! It'll be interesting to see who gets that all-around medal. Everything about last night got me so emotional though!! I wish I could have been in the arena, from Nastia's goodbye, the girls broken hearts yet positive attitude, and of course the excitement from those 16 men and women on the floor hugging in a circle and celebrating. Gave me chills watching!!!
Does anybody think that Rebecca Bross might have been sick yesterday? It thought she looked really pale. That bar routine was so uncharacteristic of her, even with the problems she's been having lately. I remember a few Olympics ago a figure skater got the flu and had to bow out. Could you even imagine how awful that would be knowing you'd be fine in a day or two?

You just may be right! Going along with that theory, Valeri looked upset after her routine but he also looked like he knew it was coming and he also handled it way differently then Ohashi's routine when the same thing happened to her...?
Does anybody else think it was weird that when the team walked out, the first 4 (Gabby, McKayla, Aly, and Jordyn) were crying their eyes out, but then Kyla had this huge smile? I mean, I know both emotions are very natural for someone who's just been told they've made the Olympic team, but I figured they'd all be crying. Just my thought, obviously I've never experienced that before (ha! I wish! :D)

Oh, and yeah, now that you mention it, Rebecca might have been sick. That would be a good explanation for it. Looking back, I thought she didn't look like herself really. And, when someone falls that many times in a routine, they are usually sick. And Valeri didn't look that shocked. Plus she didn't seem too reluctant to stop her routine... which was a very good decision. She probably would have ended up hurting herself if she had tried to finish. It almost looked like they'd discussed that, like, if she is messing up a lot, she would stop. But, man, what a fighter! Does anyone know if she still did beam? NBC didn't show it.
I read an article about Kyla today that said all of the girls were trying to get her to cry. She is apparently just not a crier. If I find the link I wil post it.
I read an article about Kyla today that said all of the girls were trying to get her to cry. She is apparently just not a crier. If I find the link I wil post it.

Haha that's funny! I am just imagining that scene playing out in my head...
Come on Kyla, you're supposed to be crying!
But I'm not sad!

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