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Geoffrey Taucer

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Jan 21, 2007
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So I read this story in the NYT today, and I'm completely perplexed by the negative reactions people seem to be having to this trend. Seems like I'm constantly reading about people -- some of them psychological experts and some average joes -- complaining about how the internet is killing the age of personal human contact.

So here's this story about how it's getting more and more socially acceptable in highschool to greet people with a hug, and people are complaining? Principals are trying to ban hugging in the halls at school?

What's wrong with these people? The world needs more hugs! If people are getting more comfortable with personal contact in general and hugging in particular, I don't see how it can be anything other than a good thing for society as a whole.
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Gosh those complainers should move to Quebec, we greet with a two cheek kiss always. Everytime my kids and I walk in the gym we get the kisses and big hug from the coach and that is 6 times a week. It is a good thing. I think North AMerica generally is less emotive than other continents and it's not a good thing.

Okay CBers see how many hugs you can give out today.
^^^ That's so nice! People never do anything like that here.

Nobody really hugs here. People say hi and stuff, but definitely no kisses or hugs LOL. In fact, you're probably more likely to get insulted in a friendly way, if that makes sense at all :p


EDIT: Mixed sex touching isn't even allowed at my school.
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I would not want it to be necessarily standard to greet someone with a hug -- what if you want your personal space? -- but I would like it to be more common/acceptable. Just so long as you can pick and choose who you greet that way!
Hugs were banned at my middle school back in 2002-2003. For awhile it was allowed as long as it was two girls or two boys (no mixed gender hugging) but then it was nothing allowed. I remember a long and hilarious announcement detailing the policy, which I'm pretty sure we're still making fun of.

Hugging was allowed in high school, but then again my whole high school had one lunch period where we were allowed in two halls, and there was a lot of contact in general. As long as no one was fighting or smashing chocolate milk into someone else's head, i don't think they had it in them to care.
...You use the internet too much, stop hugging?

What the heck?

Gosh, they'd love me. I'm in my 20s and hug everyone. I may have even progressed into 'glomping' territory a few times.
I actually understand what the principal is talking about here haha. I'm in high school, and here hugging is sometimes used for a hi, but mainly when someone needs it or friend to friend, etc.
But in junior high. Oh. My. Goodness. The seventh graders especially, would see the 9th graders give a hug. And in seventh grade everyone is like, "oh my gosh! hugging?! no way!!!" so halfway through the school year they seem to think that hugging is sooo cool, and that anytime they see someone they kinda know, if barely at all know, they have to give a hug. It's SO annoying haah. Might be kinda hard to explain, but I understand how it could get annoying. At times it's like, we're at school, one or two hugs is fine, but hugging 20 people in 2 minutes is kinda annoying. I swear the 7th graders have a contest of how many people they can hug in a day. (our record is 127 hugs)
Younger kids will always take what the older kids are doing and blow it out of proportion. :( In general I think it's silly to ban hugging at schools, but I can see where limitations (like how long you can hug for, etc.) might apply. I think the application of the rule needs some subjectivity, too. If someone is sobbing brokenheartedly and her best friend is hugging her to console her, there is absolutely no reason for an admin to go make them stop, you know?
Geoff, you're about my age. Do you remember when they banned slap bracelets when we were kids, since "they could cause serious injury." Even though it was elementary school, I still knew it was BS.
People have been hugging and handshaking for a long time.

I do remember knowing guys in HS trying to see how many hugs they could get from girls. Not anything more than a hug but sorta just to see how much female attention they could get. I thought that was pretty lame though.

I actually for some remember that during hugging when pressure is made on the breastbone it triggers a pressure point that helps us feel better. Thus hugging makes us feel good.

I still don't understand the light hugging that is almost obligatory. Meh.
Oh if there's a popular trend of any kind going on be sure that school administrations will see it and ban it. The internet sensorship at my high school is ridiculous. I managed to get CB blocked just by going on it. We have school emails were they can monitor every word we send out and we can't access any other email on school computers
Welcome to the dystopia that is American public high schools. Christ, am I glad I don't have to put up with that crap anymore.
Oh if there's a popular trend of any kind going on be sure that school administrations will see it and ban it. The internet sensorship at my high school is ridiculous. I managed to get CB blocked just by going on it. We have school emails were they can monitor every word we send out and we can't access any other email on school computers

Our school computers don't even work :D

In our primary school they banned dolly bracelets (a type of sweet), British bulldogs and wearing your hair down. In my school just now, they have banned wearing jackets and non-school uniform jumpers inside. :rolleyes:
Yeah where im from we hug people to say hi I dont see a problem with it. When i meet someone I hug them lol.
I hug people sometimes =] and me and my one friend we "man hug" it like a grab their hand then move closer and slap eachother on the back lol. and in french class we greet guy+girl and girl+girl= a littl kiss type thing on each cheek guys shake hands. and im not going to describe what is allowed in the halls between classes. so i think its fine usually.
Yeah where im from we hug people to say hi I dont see a problem with it. When i meet someone I hug them lol.

Hug all the time. Not someone I just met but friends. DD's gym is full of huggers

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