Online Adult Gymnastics Training

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This is just an idea. I was wondering how much interest there would be in an online adult gymnastics training web site? Adults could write in and suggest training advice on elements they are working on, view videos of that specific training and use the knowledge gained at the gym. We all know how difficult it is to get quality training at a gym full of young gymnasts. Maybe this approach could help adult gymnasts gain important advice and put it to use. It would aid in acquiring skills faster and make time spent at the gym more productive. I look forward to reading the responses to this.
not sure i totally understand. do you want us to post our videos of what we are working on so the rest of the adults can give pointers, or are there going to be videos that we can reference for skills, or both? last year when i learned a hand 1/1 on vault, i had to scourer the web to find what a good one looked like. i never worked hand 1/1 and i need visuals to learn. with the class that i coach, i am always asking the girls if they want me to show them when the are learning a new skill.
Thanks Katy, for your input. All the feedback will be great for making decisions on how to get this thing going. Most likely it will be video training tips using a gymnast. Choosing which skill to learn about will be up to the participator of the web site. It may be well down the road before this all gets put together, but everyone's feedback will help in design and content. I believe adult gymnasts will find it helpful, inspiring and fun. I hope the suggestions keep coming. :)
Wow! That's a great idea! There was this site I used to go on all the time and it had a gymnastics glossary and video clips of each skill. But it's gone now. :( There's still but they don't have video clips or drills for every skill. Studying skills in theory from reading really helped me out when I put it into practice at the gym. That would be great if there were a site that had visuals and good descriptions of how to do things. And how about at-home (or at the gym too) conditioning regimenes to follow?
There absolutely will be at home conditioning and at gym conditioning instructions to learn and put to use. Remember, while the kiddies are sitting at desks at school, adults can be putting in extra time for strength, flexibility and conditioning. This was my strategy when I competed as an adult and it worked! Look out kiddies, here come the adults!!! :)
Ok. I realize that many adult gymnasts have jobs, so I apologize for not considering that. I was luck enough to not have to work back when I was training, so home workouts were very valuable to me. Now, since I am working, I have the same dilemma as many adult gymnasts have. How do you fit workout into the daily routine? Most adult gymnasts don't have the opportunity to train as often as kids, so we have to make the most of our time. Where there is a will, there is a way. It takes a lot of discipline as an adult to make time for gymnastics training. My advice is, figure out a way and GO For It! You'll be happy that you did.
just started

I have to laugh! I'm a 49 year old guy and I just started trying gymnastics - at this point I'm doing strength training work with rings and static holds and I absolutely love it! I train at home right now but I'm pretty close to the Parkettes gym in Allentown, PA. I see they offer adult gymnastics classes. I just have to work up the nerve to check it out. Any idea what skills they would teach in an adult class?
It depends on the gym, and their policies. Some places may only do other apparatus on request, and stick mainly to floor, due to insurance regulations. I would IMAGINE a place like Parkettes would allow you on all apparatus, b/c I doubt they kick the kids out of the gym after they turn 18, so they more than likely have the insurance coverage for adults. You would probably start with some conditioning, then move on to the different apparatus from there. You will learn many of the skills that you see the younger ones doing, no reason an adult can't do them as well!! Have fun!
The Skills and Drills Page - Gymnastics Technique and Training It's

CrossFit has it's own digital coaching forum. Something like that here could probably be arranged or under Adult Gymnastics.

Most adults would benefit from doing a lot of conditioning and flexibility work at home since there is generally limited training hours available to them because of what is offered in an area and what can be done fiscally and in a schedule.
There absolutely will be at home conditioning and at gym conditioning instructions to learn and put to use. Remember, while the kiddies are sitting at desks at school, adults can be putting in extra time for strength, flexibility and conditioning. This was my strategy when I competed as an adult and it worked! Look out kiddies, here come the adults!!! :)

Hurray! :)

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