I don't mind Ragan's choreography, I'm a firm believer in doing what works for each kid. So if she enjoys it and feels happy and confident performing it- go for it. I think it would be a totally different story if they were trying to push it on her, but she really seems to enjoy cute routines. It's not my favorite personal style, but it seems to work for her and at least she sells it well. And I'm definitely not a fan of the music. It's just kind of spastic/disjointed/weird, I liked LindyHopper's wording of "stylistically incoherent." There are bright spots within the routine, but they just don't fit together into a cohesive piece which isn't really my thing. But she performs it well and makes an effort, which is a lot more than can be said for many elite routines out there.
I'm far more offended by all the wolf turn atrocities.