So I was curious and asked my daughter if she could remember getting ice cream from her coaches and how many times. She said maybe three in 11 years. But recently she told me her coach offered ice cream if she went for a skill, she did and coach ran out or was busy with other things at end of day, so no ice cream, but dd said, "Mom, it didn't matter because I went for the skill because I wanted to and would have no matter, but the ice cream was a nice thought. I didn't care whether I had any or not." I truly know that coaches are rewarding kids constantly with words of encouragement, smiles, fun time, and even with caring enough to give corrections.
I just never thought it was my place as a parent to give more than encouragement for a sport she loves. I know little about the skills anyway, and would be so out of place suggesting she do something for a reward. I'll let the rewards fall where they may. But I will say that she is very intrinsically motivated, along with many of the gymnasts I've seen over the years. But she is not beyond responding to happiness on a coach's face. And the kid loves to give or get a sincere hug!