Poll Discussion (from the reopening gymnastics clubs poll)

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Proud Parent
Jan 16, 2020
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I checked two or three items. Other than staggering workout times and washing/sanitizing hands, I think most of these items are either impractical (can you really sanitize gymnastics equipment without ruining it?) or are making us feel safer rather than actually making us safer. Even taking temps isn't very reliable. Gyms reopening safely require an abundance of testing and contact tracing.
The results thus far are really eye opening! I'm surprised that I'm only one of two people to vote for signing in on entering the gym and out on leaving (with your own pen!). I would think that that is pretty vital for contact tracing should someone get sick.... you'll know exactly who they crossed paths with.
I am in the camp of banning parents and having video cameras streaming practice. Much like school.... parents don’t walk inside the building and get the kids, for younger kids, coach brings them out and makes sure parents take them. The older kids just leave like they do from school
I agree, keep parents out and you don't need a sign-in sheet.

One thing that was not addressed, but is a bit obscure and may not be applicable everywhere..... Our gym has gigantic ceiling fans which blow all day like crazy. Even though the ceilings are super high, you get the air blowing in your eyes even in the parent seating area. Those fans will have to be turned off or all of your social distancing will be pointless. If you've seen the restaurant study where two separate dining families were infected by one asymptomatic individual, you know that airflow/ventilation matters and needs to be considered depending on the set up of your gym.
Nothing will make me feel safer until infection rates start trending down instead of up. None of this makes too much of a difference, you can't sanitize the beam or bars, and there are so many asymptomatic carriers. :(
Nothing will make me feel safer until infection rates start trending down instead of up. None of this makes too much of a difference, you can't sanitize the beam or bars, and there are so many asymptomatic carriers. :(

This is how I'm thinking, too. If someone walks in with the virus, none of these measures are going to make much of a difference, due to the nature of the virus, and the nature of children. I don't think we have to wait for a vaccine to open gyms, but we do have to be realistic with our expectations.
I want to clarify why clicked cameras for parents to watch outside of facility. (thus I didn't click the others about parents) I don't think any parents should be allowed in. I also think in addition to asking child about symptoms ask about anyone in their home with symptoms then child shouldn't come. And this true for coaches/staff symptoms asked of themselves and their family they live with.
Staggering practices for teams, keeping groups small and consistent, and not allowing parents in the gym will be key to helping be able do any contact tracing. But no matter what, there is a risk in returning to this sport. I don't know when or how we will return...
Not sure why parents are suddenly the evil ones and should be banned. It’s ironic that 6 months ago the demand was that no parent ever be denied access to practice. Now suddenly parents are walking petri dishes of death and can’t set foot in the gym?

why can nurses and doctors leave the hospital with the same scrubs on that they wore all day, and then go into the grocery store in the same scrubs wearing the same mask, but the gymnasts should have to leave their clothes in the car and their shoes at the door? Something to think about.
Not sure why parents are suddenly the evil ones and should be banned. It’s ironic that 6 months ago the demand was that no parent ever be denied access to practice. Now suddenly parents are walking petri dishes of death and can’t set foot in the gym?

why can nurses and doctors leave the hospital with the same scrubs on that they wore all day, and then go into the grocery store in the same scrubs wearing the same mask, but the gymnasts should have to leave their clothes in the car and their shoes at the door? Something to think about.

Who is doing that? All of the articles I’ve read profiling health care workers describe the measures they are taking to avoid spreading the virus via their clothing. Some shower and change before leaving the hospital. Others shower and launder their clothing immediately upon arriving home, before allowing their children to touch them.
Re. “no one allowed who is coughing,” that would bar many athletes with asthma from the gym.
Not sure why parents are suddenly the evil ones and should be banned. It’s ironic that 6 months ago the demand was that no parent ever be denied access to practice. Now suddenly parents are walking petri dishes of death and can’t set foot in the gym?

why can nurses and doctors leave the hospital with the same scrubs on that they wore all day, and then go into the grocery store in the same scrubs wearing the same mask, but the gymnasts should have to leave their clothes in the car and their shoes at the door? Something to think about.

I agree with your first point (back to why I think people should sign in) but please don't disparage healthcare workers to prove that point. It's really hurtful when we have been putting ourselves at risk each day. I trained in a huge inner city with high HIV rates and gun violence etc and I have never felt as much personal health risk as I do right now, so to imply that we are being careless is a slap in the face.

I don't know any of us that are doing what you describe. We have all been coming into work, changing into scrubs, putting on a surgical mask, and changing our shoes. Before we leave, we change back into our normal clothes and put our "street mask" (cloth one) back on and our street shoes back on and leave. And then STILL take our shoes off outside, throw those clothes in the wash, and shower. Those who are not changing at work are heading straight home and stripping in their garages. So, yes, you might see me walking in and out of the hospital in the same clothes, but those clothes are not actually what I wore while working.

I literally haven't hugged my children on entering my house since this started. I won't hug them until I'm out of the shower and changed. That is much harder than I ever imagined possible...please be thoughtful before throwing stones like that.
Not sure why parents are suddenly the evil ones and should be banned. It’s ironic that 6 months ago the demand was that no parent ever be denied access to practice. Now suddenly parents are walking petri dishes of death and can’t set foot in the gym?

I'm not ok with parents not being allowed in the gym for pick up and drop off. I don't see the point either, since we can assume the gymnast lives with the parent, came in the same car as the parent, hugged the parent goodbye. The parent doesn't have anything the kid doesn't have.
I'm not ok with parents not being allowed in the gym for pick up and drop off. I don't see the point either, since we can assume the gymnast lives with the parent, came in the same car as the parent, hugged the parent goodbye. The parent doesn't have anything the kid doesn't have.

My kids aren't that little, so it's easier for me to be okay staying out of the gym. My main reason for accepting that rule would be to keep the total # of people in the gym down, if that's going to be a factor in reopening. If there is a requirement for, say, no more than 25 people in a gathering, then I'd rather stay out of the gym and let the gymnasts practice.
Yes, it is mostly about limiting numbers. In the first phases of re-opening ALL business are going to have to reduce capacity - Factory workers standing farther apart on the line, offices having desks further apart, restaurants with fewer tables. Every gym is likely to have a number of people they are allowed to have in the building at a time, depending on square footage. If a gym is only allowed 20 people at a time, better to have 18 gymnasts and 2 coaches than 9 gymnasts 2 coaches and 9 parents. It is going to be the only way for some to stay in business. But it does also violate safesport to limit viewing, so I don't really know how it's going to work. Lots and lots of unknown, lots and lots of variables.
Not sure why parents are suddenly the evil ones and should be banned. It’s ironic that 6 months ago the demand was that no parent ever be denied access to practice. Now suddenly parents are walking petri dishes of death and can’t set foot in the gym?

why can nurses and doctors leave the hospital with the same scrubs on that they wore all day, and then go into the grocery store in the same scrubs wearing the same mask, but the gymnasts should have to leave their clothes in the car and their shoes at the door? Something to think about.

No one is saying they are evil. It's just an unnecessary risk for extra people to enter and congregate in the gym.
No one is saying they are evil. It's just an unnecessary risk for extra people to enter and congregate in the gym.

Maybe, if people are uncomfortable, gyms can have a schedule of 1-2 parents that stay, social distanced. That way everyone can stay every now and then, but the gym is not overwhelmed. Just a thought.
Who is doing that? All of the articles I’ve read profiling health care workers describe the measures they are taking to avoid spreading the virus via their clothing. Some shower and change before leaving the hospital. Others shower and launder their clothing immediately upon arriving home, before allowing their children to touch them.
They are at Walmart, Kroger, etc. I saw 4 yesterday.
I agree with your first point (back to why I think people should sign in) but please don't disparage healthcare workers to prove that point. It's really hurtful when we have been putting ourselves at risk each day. I trained in a huge inner city with high HIV rates and gun violence etc and I have never felt as much personal health risk as I do right now, so to imply that we are being careless is a slap in the face.

I don't know any of us that are doing what you describe. We have all been coming into work, changing into scrubs, putting on a surgical mask, and changing our shoes. Before we leave, we change back into our normal clothes and put our "street mask" (cloth one) back on and our street shoes back on and leave. And then STILL take our shoes off outside, throw those clothes in the wash, and shower. Those who are not changing at work are heading straight home and stripping in their garages. So, yes, you might see me walking in and out of the hospital in the same clothes, but those clothes are not actually what I wore while working.

I literally haven't hugged my children on entering my house since this started. I won't hug them until I'm out of the shower and changed. That is much harder than I ever imagined possible...please be thoughtful before throwing stones like that.
And I’m not just making things up. I haven’t been near a hospital, but I see them at the stores every time I go, in their scrubs. Saw at least 4 yesterday. My point is, parents stuck at home are no more a risk than the kids themselves. Don't read between the lines and act like I’m slapping anyone in the face or insulting anyone.

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