why can nurses and doctors leave the hospital with the same scrubs on that they wore all day, and then go into the grocery store in the same scrubs wearing the same mask, but the gymnasts should have to leave their clothes in the car and their shoes at the door? Something to think about.
I have a work mask and my personal mask.
Who is doing that? All of the articles I’ve read profiling health care workers describe the measures they are taking to avoid spreading the virus via their clothing. Some shower and change before leaving the hospital. Others shower and launder their clothing immediately upon arriving home, before allowing their children to touch them.
As we leave work we wash our hands, its the last thing we do. Then an extra shot of hand sanitizer as we literally exit the building. The employee door is by Cat Scan so as soon as we clear there and the awning masks are off. We all then sanitize hands again (because masks have come off in our cars)
There are many of us who go pick up kids at daycare (mine doesn't do daycare but many of my coworkers do). We make our stops at the store and or to pick up take out, get gas, wine. Yes in the clothes we went to work in. (The PPE stuff stays at work, gowns, N95 masks, surgical caps for the folks actually in contact with COVID patients. Again, direct contact those folks change at work.) We put on our out and about masks, just debit card, keys and phone into the stores or whatever stops. More hand sanitizing when back in the car and I sanitize my face.
Can't speak for all my coworkers. But when I get home, kid and husband help with bags. Bags go on the counter. Stuff gets put away, just put away. Counter gets washed as do our hands. I get changed. My clothes go in with the rest of the laundry. Sometimes a side hug happens. I get in the shower or I get my walk in if the weather is nice and then shower.
None of us change just because we left the house and went to the store. Exception, my kid, its allergy season so if she has been running around outside. She will change but that's pollen not COVID.
Prudent here not excessive. Masks, social distance, stay away from crowds, lots of attention to hand washing, counter and table cleaning. No one sick here at the moment. Been at this since NY PAUSED the second week in March. And our area is not unpausing anytime soon.
Our hospital system (small side) just discharged our 500th recovered patient yesterday. We swabbed over 20 thousand. Yesterday our nursing home started twice a week testing of staff. All OR/Presurgical Patients will be testing 2-3 days prior to procedures. We have been able to do antibody testing for over a week. I'm going to wait until the rush passes.
Personally, I think smaller groups sizes. Lots of hand washing. On the way in, out, between events and pieces of equipment. No co-mingling of stuff. As little down time as possible. Shorter sessions, get the work done and out. Stay home if you are sick or someone in your family is. Face coverings unless you are actually "practicing". Gym cleaned between sessions.