T&T Proper Awards Attire

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Proud Parent
Nov 24, 2013
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Just returned from regionals, where my OCD got the best of me. It's frustrating to watch the number of athletes get up on the podium half dressed to receive their awards. I was told by our gyms coach that the athletes are suppose to be in competition attire, so that's what I was anticipating. Several of the girls had their leos around their waist with the arms hanging down. Granted, they where wearing their warm ups, but it still looked tacky. I think the photos come out so much nicer if everyone is the same, either comp wear or warm ups.
In our state/region, for MAG, they are very strict. Jackets on, zipped up, nothing hanging out. I have seen them send boys back to adjust when they have been inappropriately dressed for awards. I agree....there should be a certain amount of decorum on the awards stand.
It's a cluster of attire over here for us also, according to those whose kids did regionals. And it has always been a cluster of attire for every meet my kid has done....even at states. Just is what it is, I guess.
I'm pretty sure in MAG the JO rules say that you have to wear full warmups. I'm not sure about WAG. I know in WAG it seems like there have been all kinds of variations on and additions to traditional warm up suits, like leggings and pullover tops.
I don't know what (if any) the WAG rules are...but our HC has rules.

Girls must have warm up jacket, pants and matching slide on shoes. No crazy boots, socks, Leo half off, etc. she hates when she sees girls (from other teams) not dressed neat.

And generally most teams around here are good appearance wise. There was one team who used to have really tight, shiny warm up suits. Nothing sloppy- but a little odd. Thankfully they changed a few years ago.
Ugh. I would be bothered by that as well, especially at regionals. The Leotards half off is also my pet-peeve. It just looks so tacky. I think for big meets, the meet host or director should enforce a dress code. Warm up or leotard as long as everyone does the same.

And if any of the ladies are reading this, please have some respect for the parents who paid a lot of money to get their kids this far and would like a decent looking picture. And have some respect for what you have accomplished. If you made the awards, then show some pride for yourself and your gym.
If the coaches are insisting their athletes be a certain way on the podium shouldn't they enforce it?

I understand someone wanting to see a podium of athletes all a certain way but I'm not going to be that parent insisting on it. I prefer my daughter leave her attention to detail out on the gym floor.
At our Regionals this weekend, it was announced that athletes need to be in competition attire. Either Leo or warm ups. I was happy to hear it. Our Coach insists on it anyway but half dressed also bugs me. My DD (9) likes to do the leo with sleeves hanging down thing cause it makes her feel like the big girls. But never at awards or when our gym is hosting a meet.
If the coaches are insisting their athletes be a certain way on the podium shouldn't they enforce it?

I understand someone wanting to see a podium of athletes all a certain way but I'm not going to be that parent insisting on it. I prefer my daughter leave her attention to detail out on the gym floor.

I remind my son all the time that while he is in uniform, he is representing his team, his gym, and his family, and needs to show respect. That means being appropriate with his attire. Warm ups on, zipped up. Singlet can be down, but not showing. I think that is just somethign I mention to him.
Our HC requires warm up on, fully zipped up on the podium. She is ok with bare feet or slides. I think it makes our girls look more "together".

I've even seen girls/boys go up with food in their hands. Now I know they are starving and some are scarfing down a snack - but this was a burger her parents had given her in one hand! Come on!(not from our team obviously!)
(I haven't posted in a while, but longtime member here).
This has become my pet peeve. Used to be our team girls had to be fully dressed with jacket zipped, but that has gone by the wayside as the gym has grown. I hate it when they have their Leo sleeves hanging down their sides while on the podium. (In elite, they have to be in full leotard, not even the warm-up can be worn. )

I also don't like the optionals wearing the college shirt for the college they are committed to. I understand you're proud of that and it's a great accomplishment. But for your state meet, you should be representing your gym you are competing for, especially if you're the state champion. Wear the shirt proudly after awards, but on the podium and for the photos, just your gym colors. Plus, it leaves out the girls on your team who don't have a commitment or scholarship, which can be a painful subject for them, and their final photo with their team has their teammates all wearing their different college shirts instead of looking like a team.
Our girls wear tank leos, so the sleeve thing isn't an issue as no one bothers to pull them down. I know my DD was guilty of not being properly attired at her regionals awards. She injured herself right before awards and it was all I could do to get her to stop crying before heading up. She ended up with her jacket on, but no pants. Her arm hurt too much to wrestle with the tight pants on sweaty legs. In any case, I can say I've never been bothered by whatever people choose to wear. They earned their medals and what they accept them in is between them and their coach. Matters not a bit to me.
At our Regionals this weekend, it was announced that athletes need to be in competition attire. Either Leo or warm ups. I was happy to hear it. Our Coach insists on it anyway but half dressed also bugs me. My DD (9) likes to do the leo with sleeves hanging down thing cause it makes her feel like the big girls. But never at awards or when our gym is hosting a meet.
We have several sets of siblings on our team that will compete different sessions. Often, the one competing later will come to the meet either in warm ups with shorts and a tee shirt under and change later (my preferred look) or the leo around the waist, sleeves dangling look (I can't stand it). When I see it, I tell the girls they need to tuck the sleeves in… either into their pockets or into their pants. I use the fact that there are sequins on the wrists that might get caught on something as the rationale ;)
At our home meets, they cannot work a session as a runner / flasher with dangling sleeves either, so they learn by then to tuck them in if they need the leo on during their work session.
For awards, they either appear in just the leo, leo and tight black shorts, leo and warm up pants, leo and full warm ups, or warm ups (zipped) with something underneath. HC PREFERS full Warm Ups, but she understands that sometimes, it is hot in the small rooms some of the gyms do awards in.
As a former gymnast I will agree that improper attire for awards drives me nuts. Parents spend so much money on leotards/warm-ups and for them to not be worn until the end of a meet is a waste. I understand that there are certain cases (sensory issues/too small/too warm), however in most cases another hour in warm-up/leo won't kill them and it looks a whole lot more professional/something to be proud of.

In recent years I have noticed the trend of rolling leo sleeves down or wearing a team t-shirt rather than warm up jacket. Up until the last few years that I competed, not looking über professional and put together for a meet was unheard of. Is this a higher level thing or a more modern thing? My thinking is that being in the sport for a longer period of time/feeling more comfortable/not caring as much/trying to fit in with peers has something to do with it.
I think at least some of it has to do with how uncomfortable and "circulation-cutting-off" modern day, blinged out leos can be. Most coaches like competition leos to be skin-tight. It just isn't comfortable.

Especially with long sleeves and some areas of multiple layers of pieced together fabrics to make designs, a competition leo isn't nearly as flexible as a regular or one-fabric leo. I'm sure they just want the sleeves off so they can breathe.
It usually doesn't bother me how everyone looks or dresses but I do have to say the Leo pulled down with the sleeves showing looks bad.

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