Parents qualifying for states in L5, same as L4?

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Jan 2, 2009
Reaction score
My DD is already qualified for L4 states...she was held back in L4 until she had all her skills. The coach has said she was going to move her up before the end of the season, and there is one meet after L4 states but before L5 states and sectionals.

I know that for L4 states, qualification is just attaining a certain all around score at one meet. Is it the same for L5? Would it be tacky to go to states in two different levels? I'm torn, because of course I would rather have her do L5, but last year at states she tanked (worst meet of the year!) and I know it would do a lot for her self esteem to go back and be er at least in the medals.

Any advice?

You also need a certain aa to go to states for level 5. Each state has their own scores, so you would have to check what the score is for level 5 vs. level 4. I do not think you are allowed to compete at more than one level at states - at least you can't in the state we are in. The compulsory levels are all about getting the basics and confidence so don't stress too much - I would just go with whatever the coach recommends.
Our level 4s and 5's compete different seasons so it is possible to compete at L4 States then Level 5 States later. States are at different times (Jan for L4, May for L5). Each level has its own qualifying meets, here we have to qualify at an invitational to go Sectionals, then at the Sectional qualify to States.
Here in PA you have to score a 31.00 to go to sectionals. In order to go to states you have to score a 33.00 at sectionals. I don't think you can just 'go' to a sectional or state meet. But, I don't know what the rules are in other states. Like another poster said, what's the rush? Just let her enjoy her final Level 4 event and move on to Level 5 next season. If the coaches feel she's ready to move up I'd guess they'd allow her to test out of Level 5 and move up to level 6? Again, it's different everywhere. Good Luck!
In some states you have to score at least a 32AA at 2 USAG meets before you can go to states. Other states require a certain AA at 1 meet to go to sectionals and then a certain AA at sectionals to move on to state meet. Still others only require a 28 AA at 1 meet to quilify to state.........check out your state website for what your state requires

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