WAG Question on America's Top 100

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Proud Parent
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score
I am hoping someone can answer a question I have. My daughter is a level 8 gymnast and in December 2016 scored a 9.875 on bars at a meet which appeared on MSO. Her individual scores are on MMS, but this score, which is clearly in the top 100 for 2016, is not listed on the top 100 list. I don't want to sound like a CGM, but since she doesn't normally make this list it would be good for her confidence (she should be proud). Does this sound right? I am not sure of the process and not sure if because it was mid-December if there is a cutoff or anything. Thanks.
I believe the top 100 list resets every calendar year, so the list now would be for January meets. Also, it is not really completely accurate as some meets do not appear on Mymeetscores. Congrats to your daughter though for that crazy high score! Our region doesn't really see bar scores that high, I think the highest scores at my dd's regional meet in level 8 for bars topped out at 9.7.
The results do reset each year but you can pull up the 2016 list. I don't know if there is a deadline to qualify for the year.
So you're saying the meet that she got the 9.875 at is showing in MyMeetScores, and her scores are there, but then not listed in the Top100?
That's odd because I think it all pulls from the same data base.
I could see if the scores of the meet showed only on Meet Scores Online, then it wouldn't "talk" to MMS, but I don't see why it wouldn't show if the meet is already showing in MMS... Very weird!
Wow!! She is tied for # 3 in the country! That's awesome, congratulations!
I am hoping someone can answer a question I have. My daughter is a level 8 gymnast and in December 2016 scored a 9.875 on bars at a meet which appeared on MSO. Her individual scores are on MMS, but this score, which is clearly in the top 100 for 2016, is not listed on the top 100 list. I don't want to sound like a CGM, but since she doesn't normally make this list it would be good for her confidence (she should be proud). Does this sound right? I am not sure of the process and not sure if because it was mid-December if there is a cutoff or anything. Thanks.

That happened at a meet last year where none of the girls from a specific session were included in the MMS Top 100, and probably all of top 5 would have made Top 100 in AA scores. Their scores were posted with the completed meet and in their individual score pages, but somehow the whole session was left out of the computation of Top 100. There are other glitches with MMS too. Unfortunately, there is no way to submit errors so they can fix them.
Any chance she is on the 2017 list
Not for bars. She has made it for floor (based on a meet this year). I would have expected to see this bar score under the 2016 list :-(.
That happened at a meet last year where none of the girls from a specific session were included in the MMS Top 100, and probably all of top 5 would have made Top 100 in AA scores. Their scores were posted with the completed meet and in their individual score pages, but somehow the whole session was left out of the computation of Top 100. There are other glitches with MMS too. Unfortunately, there is no way to submit errors so they can fix them.
Thank you.
So you're saying the meet that she got the 9.875 at is showing in MyMeetScores, and her scores are there, but then not listed in the Top100?
That's odd because I think it all pulls from the same data base.
I could see if the scores of the meet showed only on Meet Scores Online, then it wouldn't "talk" to MMS, but I don't see why it wouldn't show if the meet is already showing in MMS... Very weird!
Yes, it is strange. It is clearly on her MMS page so that is why I was wondering if there was a date cutoff, but it looks like based on others' responses this has happened to others as well.
There are quite a number of glitches on mymeetscores - double entries, names linking to the wrong gymnast, sessions missing, and different gyms from the same meet being posted as completely separate meets.

Also, lots of meets that don't have scores listed at all. My dd had a particularly good meet last year and I tried to submit the link to the meet results about 5 times in hopes of having it added, but they never did post that meet.

Maybe show your dd the list anyway, so she can see where she'd fall if her name was listed. I don't think my dd has ever been on the site at all, but she did seem to think it's cool when I've mentioned that she or her team made the list.
When my DD was listed two different ways, I went to the "submit scores", and in "meet name", I put "please combine gymnast # and #" and then in the "web address" line, I just copied the link from where the list is for my daughter.
Maybe copy the link of your daughter, or for that meet, write in the "meet name" as: Please include this meet in the Top 100.
Then add the link in the web address line.
It couldn't hurt to try.
That happened at a meet last year where none of the girls from a specific session were included in the MMS Top 100, and probably all of top 5 would have made Top 100 in AA scores. Their scores were posted with the completed meet and in their individual score pages, but somehow the whole session was left out of the computation of Top 100. There are other glitches with MMS too. Unfortunately, there is no way to submit errors so they can fix them.

MMS automatically pulls from MSO which is linked to the scoring software used at many meets. In my experience this usually happens when there's a problem at the meet with the scoring software and/or MSO online being down, so when MMS automatically pulls from MSO, that session isn't there. After a few days those scores might get added to MSO, but the MMS collection has already happened.

*I don't know anything about software. But this is what has happened in my experience when one session is missing. I usually check MSO throughout the meet so I always know when it's down or not updating.
When my DD was listed two different ways, I went to the "submit scores", and in "meet name", I put "please combine gymnast # and #" and then in the "web address" line, I just copied the link from where the list is for my daughter.
Maybe copy the link of your daughter, or for that meet, write in the "meet name" as: Please include this meet in the Top 100.
Then add the link in the web address line.
It couldn't hurt to try.

That worked!!! I just tried! So THAT is how you submit errors to MMS for correction! And they fixed the error very fast! You are GENIUS!
gymandzoomom, you should try that to fix your daughter's Top 100 computation error.
I must say I am so stoked about this! THANK YOU Ali'sMom.

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