I worked at a primarily T&T gym for 3 years and the classes were a huge hit, much more so than the girls artistic classes. Classes ranged from levels 2-4, pre-team was level 5, and team started at level 6 (though there was an option of starting to compete at level 5). Level 2 came for 75 minutes, levels 3 & 4 for 90 minutes (some 2x week), and level 5 for 2 hrs (2x/week). The time was a little long for level 3s, but the others worked pretty well. Though I think an hour for beginner (our level 2) would have been fine.
For all groups we started with running and stretching, and for level 4 & 5 we spent a few minutes following stretching to work on only handstands. Here are the basic plans we followed for levels 2-4. We had a set skill sheet on each event for the kids and had skill testing every few months.
Level 2/Beginner: 15 min. warm-up, 25 minutes floor- used the regular spring floor most of the time because it had more space. We did lots of circuits with rolls, handstands, cartwheels- very similar to floor in girls beginning classes. 25 minutes tramp/tumbl track. Worked lots on trampoline safety and basics, good body positions, and the basics- shapes seat drops, doggy drops. 10 minutes conditioning and conditioning disguised as games.
Level 3/Advanced-Beginner: 15 min warm-up, then some combination of tumbling, trampoline, and double mini depending on what was available that day. We still worked lots on cartwheels and handstands, more emphasis on round offs, improving existing skills using circuits. Tramp we worked on basic jumps expecting improved form as well as seat drops, swivel hips, and combinations. For DM we just worked at introducing the concept of mounting and doing the correct number of jumps, finishing with a stick. Eventually we would changed straight jumps to harder skills.
Level 4- Intermediate: 15 min warm-up, 5-10 minutes focusing on handstands with lots of hands on spotting. Tumbling (30 minutes)- can still get away with spring floor for most of it. Started with lines of basics- variations of cartwheels and round offs, handstands, handstand forward rolls. Then stations with lots of round off drills and back handsprings- introducing shapes, drills, spotted bhs. Most kids left level 4 with a standing bhs and pretty solid round offs. Tramp (30 minutes)- Expect basics with good form, solid connections, introduce belly drops, back-drops, front and back tucks (spotted). DM (30 minutes)- more work on basic mounters, connections, and sticks, Introduce front tuck dismounts (with spot). 15 minutes conditioning at the end. We usually did tumbling and either tramp or DM each week, but some weeks we would spend the entire time on 1 event or do both tramp and DM.