Parents right and wrong ways to do publicity

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I think the college coaches have to be aware that the boys develop more slowly and you can't gauge potential as effectively when they are 13 or 14 as you can with at least some of the girls. But with the small number of slots, that makes the recruiting game pretty tough for the boys and the coaches! I don't know that much, but it seems like D is on a great upward trajectory and will finish JO with lots of momentum and gas in the tank. Shouldn't that count for something? And if so, how do you show that?
I don't know. Like I said, I think this season will show a lot on his potential....

It is interesting to hear from those who have BTDT> very helpful! It is just odd to think that I might be getting my oldest into college at the same time I am doing some recruiting stuff for my youngest. LOL
One other thing I should have added earlier is that all of the advertising/promotion in the world won't help if the gymnast can't qualify academically to the chosen school. Someone asked why Stanford doesn't do a lot of verbals - because the athletes have to get admitted to the university first and it IS NOT easy (I know).

I believe that level 9 is the right age to start posting to a youtube page; and a youtube page that is private can be seen by coaches if they are sent the link (again, I know).

Someone said that college coaches know who the prospects are by watching those at Nationals; well, they start looking long before nationals every year. During the summer months there are typically college-bound camps put on within each region as well as the camps hosted by the various colleges.
My daughter has quit club and is no longer pursuing college gymnastics, but I can tell you what we were told by a college coach (team has been in the top 4 for a few years now) at a talk a few years back. College coaches don't have time to be watching everyone--unless you're elite and getting attention that way, you need to get your name out to the coaches--send them an email with the gymnasts information--including coach's contact info and youtube account. Send them the meet schedule prior to season, so if they're in the area, they know to watch for you (this is all assuming the gymnast is doing the contacting). Call weekly during season and update them on how the season is going. Put new stuff up on your youtube page (even training video) and email the coaches with the new info. And if you have a GPA to be proud of--send that too.

She said if you are really interested in a college, to keep pushing your name out there--she offered a scholarship to someone once after finally getting interested because the gymnast contacted her so many times. She wouldn't have noticed her at all before that.

Don't assume making it to Nationals means colleges will be knocking at your door! You still have to contact them--show you're interested, and market yourself. And it is really tough if your current coach doesn't have the ability or contacts!

We were told when DD was in 8th grade (level 9) to make a list of colleges she was interested in (and really, how many people in 8th grade know where they want to go?!?) and to start setting up the youtube account. She started going to a few of those colleges' summer camps that year--so the coach could see her in person (I know dunno says you don't have to do that, but I think it does help some). In fall of 9th grade (level 10) is when she started contacting colleges via email. And a few responding back through her coach and a couple came to see her in the gym.

Final thought: the higher ranked colleges have the budget to send their coaches to state meets, regionals, nationals, etc., but lower ranked, less well funded colleges, might only make it to nationals. The way to get noticed by them is to send them info.
It also helps to be at a club that has the college connections already lined up. Many gyms have college recruiters visit their gyms so exposure is there.
What fascinates me are those who are silent in some discussions.
I'm sure you're not talking about me and I can't speak for anyone else, but I have following this silently because I have nothing to add. I have an 8 year old Xcel Gold. We are nowhere near this and may never be. I very much hope someday I can add to this discussion, but I love threads like this because they educate a relative newbie like myself on how brutally competative this sport is. Great (but terrifying!) info, everyone!
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I'm sure you're not talking about me and I can't speak for anyone else, but I have following this silently because I have nothing to add. I have an 8 year old Xcel Gold. We are nowhere near this and may never be. I very much hope someday I can add to this discussion, but I love threads like this because they educate a relative newbie like myself on how brutally competative this sport is. Great (but terrifying!) info, everyone!

Not any particular person, but a particular group mostly missing.


And the coaches who have provided input on this thread don't seem to be saying it HAS to be public. They have been talking about camps. "Scouting girls ahead of nationals. How important the coaches help is. Having your academics in order. Age. How yes you should have video, (seems you tube is the format of choice at the moment) and get it to the coaches.

But I don't think folks like Valorie Kondos Field, Greg Marsden, Rhonda Faehn and the rest of them, are doing random searches on the net. I think they all have networks and contacts, who have networks and contacts and so it goes. I'm sure they have connections at the bigger gyms and within the states and regions. I'm sure part of those networks might include stops here. But I don't expect them to be giving a shout out. They know what and who they are looking for and that information will get to them.

So yes if it gets that far we will have a well thought plan and be very ready for it to be appropriately implemented and executed. But statistically, my husband and I are better off saving money for college. Best case is she gets a ride somewhere, and we have more to add to our retirement.

And to that end, I would be out. The question was right and wrong ways to do publicity.

I think until they are at least 12-13 and Level 9 and 10, maybe 8. Not necessary. Public not necessary. Building connections with things like camps, state meets, regional and national if possible. Have a resume ready, NCAA paperwork ready. Schools scouted. Get the coaches help.

Not any particular person, but a particular group mostly missing.


And the coaches who have provided input on this thread don't seem to be saying it HAS to be public. They have been talking about camps. "Scouting girls ahead of nationals. How important the coaches help is. Having your academics in order. Age. How yes you should have video, (seems you tube is the format of choice at the moment) and get to the coaches.

But I don't think folks like Valorie Kondos Field, Greg Marsden, Rhonda Faehn and the rest of them, are doing random searches on the net. I think they all have networks and contacts, who have networks and contacts and so it goes. I'm sure they have connections at the bigger gyms and within the states and regions. I'm sure part of those networks might include stops here. But I don't expect them to be giving a shout out. They know what and who they are looking for and that information will get to them.

So yes if it gets that far we will have a well thought plan and be very ready for it to be appropriately implemented and executed. But statistically, my husband and I are better off saving money for college. Best case is she gets a ride somewhere, and we have more to add to our retirement.

This post is in the parents forum, a place where everyone knows they are only supposed to post from a parenting point of view.

Why would coaches be posting here??
Sorry wanted to add, no need to school me on who retired and who moved on, they were names that came quickest to mind. We aren't scouting colleges.
This post is in the parents forum, a place where everyone knows they are only supposed to post from a parenting point of view.

Why would coaches be posting here??
I would think their point of view regarding getting kids noticed would be relative. But point taken.

I would of also expected more BTDT parents input.
Deleted member 18037 - I sure hope everything goes accordingly in your well thought out plan. I hope your dd excels and stays injury free. I hope your implementation and execution are spot on. It is truly amazing to find someone who has figured out how to deal with this crazy, chaotic and ever changing process of gymnastic recruiting and college scholarships so early on in their gymnastic journey. There have been some great posts from parents who have been there. But, none quite so succinct and confident as yours ;-) Seriously, I hope this sport doesn't ever make you question your well thought out plan!
As the person who started the thread, I have found the posts from experienced people and people currently thinking about recruitment to be quite interesting and informative, and I thank those who've taken the time to write. Don't know if I'll be coming back to reread this thread in a few years, but I'll certainly remember there's all this great advice here if so. LDW, I think we get it that you think that public anything is bad. Very, very, very, very bad. The point is taken. You need not continue to make it.

We're lucky as the first one of ours who will be going through all of this will do so without any athletic aspirations beyond maybe doing some club or rec stuff, but he should have an excellent range of options.
We were told when DD was in 8th grade (level 9) to make a list of colleges she was interested in (and really, how many people in 8th grade know where they want to go?!?) and to start setting up the youtube account. She started going to a few of those colleges' summer camps that year--so the coach could see her in person (I know dunno says you don't have to do that, but I think it does help some). In fall of 9th grade (level 10) is when she started contacting colleges via email. And a few responding back through her coach and a couple came to see her in the gym.

Final thought: the higher ranked colleges have the budget to send their coaches to state meets, regionals, nationals, etc., but lower ranked, less well funded colleges, might only make it to nationals. The way to get noticed by them is to send them info.

Didn't want to quote the whole post. But thank you. That sounds like very good advice and information. And pretty much along the lines of a discussion I had with a parent on a field trip this morning, whose older son is probably going to get a Division 1 ride.
I think many people underestimate the role of the club coach in the recruiting process. It is vital and can make or break the gymnasts chances

So true. Who you know is probably just as important as what you can do. It will be interesting to see if a few more MN kids end up at the University of MN now that a TCT coach moved over there. And in the state of hockey, perhaps the University of MN Duluth will actually recruit a few kids from the United States (maybe even MN) since the coach who did most of her recruiting in Europe and Canada got her walking papers. That seemed just plain wrong for a largely publicly funded university...
Deleted member 18037 -
Seriously, I hope this sport doesn't ever make you question your well thought out plan!

No I'm good. I don't equate sports/gymnastics as a path to college.
Oh wait, it already happened in Duluth, perhaps the writing was on the wall since there were freshmen from MN on the roster this year. After the current sophomore class which had one kid from the U.S. (MN) and six from other countries... most of them from Europe. In a state that year in and year out has the most kids on the national development team... A fine example of "who you know." Why recruit within driving distance when you can fly to Europe? No offense to the Europeans or Canadians on this board intended.....
We have just gone through this process with my oldest..a very young recruitable...and may soon begin it with our next. Her coaches played a vital role in initiating contact and updating colleges with her progress. Video was posted regularly and was easily accessible. College coaches don't want to dig around looking for a private link that you sent them in an email that they may have deleted, when there are 30+ other talented recruits in your kid's graduating class with public Youtube accounts that they are updating weekly. It is much easier for them to log onto Youtube and search a name and a gym to see upgrades.

As far as content, post good routines from meets as well as practice videos of upgraded skills. I ran everything past her coach before posting. As far as what age/level to start this, we were told after she had a good solid season of Level 10 under her belt with 10 start values on all 4 events. You want to put your best foot forward and put yourself out there when you are really ready to shine.

I used to keep my kids' Youtube accounts privacy blocked (pre-recruiting process) until a random stranger videoed her (and others) at a meet and posted it. It was not her best routine that day, so I felt the need to post the same routine with her nailing it...sort of in her defense-LOL. Besides that stranger, Gymnastike and USAG have posted videos of her this point she is already out there anyway.

I do find it funny that people would object to putting their kid "out there" in order to protect their privacy, yet will use their child's picture on their profile for this site. I am not saying there is anything wrong with that at all, but it certainly doesn't protect their privacy and it does associate them with their parent's opinions....but I guess that is why we all have the freedom to draw our lines where we each choose to.
I used to keep my kids' Youtube accounts privacy blocked (pre-recruiting process) until a random stranger videoed her (and others) at a meet and posted it. It was not her best routine that day, so I felt the need to post the same routine with her nailing it...sort of in her defense-LOL. Besides that stranger, Gymnastike and USAG have posted videos of her this point she is already out there anyway.

Thank you for all the information. And the above certainly changes things, when they get to the point that they are out there any way.

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