Parents Snowmageddon

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Proud Parent
Oct 10, 2008
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In the deep South, we're unsure if the gyms will ever open again.
Flip Fest is this weekend and we are driving up from Florida....hopefully the roads will be clean and green by the weekend.
It should be. We live in the area and it sounds like the worst of it will be done by tomorrow. Have a safe trip!
We'll be there! Good luck to your gymmie as well. :-)
Thank you...and thanks for the safe trip wishes...since my daughter has never driven in snow, I'm a bit worried...but I don't drive SUV's so she is out of luck for me driving her car. We actually thought about putting my grandaughter on a plane and having another parent that will arrive earlier, keep her out of trouble until we arrived in case the weather held us up...don't want her to be late or stressed, but it's looking like the snow will be done and cleaned up (hopefully) before we have to get on the road. In Florida, we only know how to drive in hurricanes, he he.
We had an ice storm today and our gym was still open. We are what you could call "hard core!" I'm glad it was open though, the roads were ok by the time practice started and my girls were bouncing off the walls! Hope the snowmageddon melts quickly though for the rest of y'all!
It would be wonderful if you Southeners would send our snow back, we have been missing it!!!
We are loving the snow. Wish we were going to Flip Fest this weekend. Our next meet isn't until the end of the month. It's not really the snow that's causing all the problems, it's the ice. It's not supposed to get about 20 here in GA tomorrow. Everyone stay warm and stay safe driving.
It would be wonderful if you Southeners would send our snow back, we have been missing it!!!
I'm not so sure I am missing the snow, but I am worried about the strange weather all around. Should it snow in places like Texas and Arizona EVER? It's a bit troubling.
CLimate change is part of our lives, but historically these things have happend and the world has been fine. In the 16th century the Thames river froze enough for festival to be held on the ice, unimaginable today!

It is hard in our region as it is a tourist resort and so many people rely on snow for work and right now the lack of it, for the second year in a row, it impacting the local economy hard. Meanwhile the areas who are not usd to snow/ice are being pushed to the limit by the extreme weather.
In the South here too, we had some freezing rain, snow, and ice, schools were closed, businesses were closed, but Gym was still opened. LOL! We have a meet this weekend so no rest for the weary :)
Gym was open for a few hours yesterday for strength and conditioning but we couldn't get out safely. DD just did some stretching here instead. I hope things will be back to normal tomorrow just so we can get out safely (keeping fingers crossed!). At least the temperature is supposed to warm up by the weekend. :-)
We are expecting over a foot tonight! As far as weird weather tho, I remember it snowing in Jacksonville when I was in 5th grade and again several inches in SC when I was a freshman in college as well as snow in Austin and Arizona when I lived in those towns. I think it is some cyclical thing. I find the lack of snow in normally wintery spots (like New England) stranger. Hope Flip Fest doesn't have you driving north of MD. If so, steer into the skid. : )
WE are expecting snow her in NH which isn't big news. they day 2" and hour its suppoed to be 12 - 24 inches overnight. Not uncommon here. they should have the roads cleaned up with in a few hours of the snow stopping. School will definitly be delayed but mostlikely cancelled as the school busses need to be able to get up and down the roads. The only thing I hope is that we don't loose power. When we do its no heat, no electricity, no water (NH is mostly on well water which needs a pump to get it to the house).
WE are expecting snow her in NH which isn't big news. they day 2" and hour its suppoed to be 12 - 24 inches overnight. Not uncommon here. they should have the roads cleaned up with in a few hours of the snow stopping. School will definitly be delayed but mostlikely cancelled as the school busses need to be able to get up and down the roads. The only thing I hope is that we don't loose power. When we do its no heat, no electricity, no water (NH is mostly on well water which needs a pump to get it to the house).

This made me laugh, our schols were closed yesterday and on a 2 hour delay today. We have nothing, just the low temps and wet roads were enough to shut the place down. I am in coastal SC. Although, I am about over this miserably cold winter we are having. :)
The only thing I hope is that we don't loose power. When we do its no heat, no electricity, no water (NH is mostly on well water which needs a pump to get it to the house).

We have the same thing here. FIll up the bath and find a bucket, at least you can flush then!
The roads in Atlanta are just a mess. All the gyms are still closed. Hoping for a Thursday opening. I see some cars going down the street slowly today but I'm not trying it.
Oh, that's a good idea for a thread: "what's the longest your gym has ever been shut down due to weather?"

Pickle's gym was shut down for three days once due to a power outage from a wind/snow storm. The owner considered trying to open without power since the girls were getting restless, but there were some safety issues involved.

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