Parents Snowmageddon

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Oh, that's a good idea for a thread: "what's the longest your gym has ever been shut down due to weather?"

Pickle's gym was shut down for three days once due to a power outage from a wind/snow storm. The owner considered trying to open without power since the girls were getting restless, but there were some safety issues involved.

LOL - tumbling by candlelight?
Also going to Flip Fest , but my dds been sick AND the snow and ice have made it hard to get out. I thought it said snow for Knoxville on Sat? Why isn't meet season in the summer, when there's no flu, snow, or school? LOL!
We're in Knoxville. According to the latest forecast, it's supposed to be in the 40's and rainy. Hope that is true! Hope your daughter feels better soon.
3 weeks due to the bad Ice storms and Lots of snow. We were with out power (no water, no heat, no nothing) for 3 weeks. All I could do is thank God we have good camping gear and have done winter camping so we had the sleeping bags etc to stay warm. Couldn't leave the house because of all the downed wires. No one was going anywhere so if you got stuck at work you were there for awhile. that was last year at this time hoping not soo bad this year. and if it is hoping the temps are at least in the double digets.
Well its 1:30 pm here we have over a foot of snow on the ground and it isn't supposed to stop until after 7pm tonight guess that 24 " prediction will come true. Had to shovel once already and am sure I will be out there tonight with the snow blower and shovels doing it again. It's windy and the drifts are high. Guess that's typical for New England LOL give it a min and it could be 90 degrees out you never know up here.
New Years Eve weekend we had tornados go through the state. I think they counted 8 different ones. This flooded are "home" gym. Completely. Sitting in inches of water. Soaking trough the walls. Owner had to close the gym. The sitting water caused the foundation to crack, spring floor to gain some rust to the springs. This week, sleet and ice. More water damage. The decision was made to close that location permanently. The girls will be training at the bigger facility that is on the other side of town.
We've been moving equipment out this week. It is so cold. High today was 29. We are not used to this in the south. LOL None of the stores have winter clothes in them. Way too cold to be moving gym equipment to a uhaul. And let me tell you, it is heavy esp the spring floors.
We are just thankful that her coaches have the other building. Change is hard but the girls will adapt.
Oh, the girls missed the Memphis meet due to the storm moving in. It was too much of a risk to drive to Memphis with this coming in. So we were no shows Sunday morning. They were upset. Lots of changes are hard on them. But they will be okay. They compete this weekend in Baton Rouge. :)
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Where is the "like" button that I am just noticing? I still can't locate it.
The like button is at the lower right side of the dialogue box of the message. Hover your mouse over the area and the like button will show up. It took me a bit to spot it too.
I just wanted to say to everyone heading to Flip Fest this weekend- have a safe trip and good luck at the comp!
I just wanted to say to everyone heading to Flip Fest this weekend- have a safe trip and good luck at the comp!

Thanks! We're here! Went to the slowest Subway ever, seriously, we were in line for 45 min, almost passing out from hunger, LOL! hoping my dd does very well tomorrow.
Thanks! We're here! Went to the slowest Subway ever, seriously, we were in line for 45 min, almost passing out from hunger, LOL! hoping my dd does very well tomorrow.

We were there for a bit today. My girl wanted to watch the level 9 gymnast from our gym. Hope your daughter had a great time today. :-)
We were there for a bit today. My girl wanted to watch the level 9 gymnast from our gym. Hope your daughter had a great time today. :-)

I need to know--were you watching the green gym? session 2 on Sat?
Our gym was closed M-F for the snow / ice and my kids work out T/Th so on Tuesday they will be back in the gym for the first time in 12 days. Good for things to be getting back to normal. Today is a holiday so things are not really normal yet, but will be Tuesday.
I need to know--were you watching the green gym? session 2 on Sat?

Yes! Was that the session your daughter was in? What color was her leo? Watching the level 9's was a lot of fun, but I don't think I'd feel that way if it were my daughter. :-)
Yes! Was that the session your daughter was in? What color was her leo? Watching the level 9's was a lot of fun, but I don't think I'd feel that way if it were my daughter. :-)
It was red with 2 black stripes that started in the back, curved around at the waist and ended before touching. It was Alpha Factor, and there were only 3 girls on her team. I was sitting right in front of the competition floor in the front row of the bleachers with a baby, and the lady next to me had a baby, and I have bright red hair. You may have noticed me, most people do because of my hair and my adorable baby. No, seriously, strangers stop me in parking lots and at WalMart to admire her. Well, she didn't get her looks from me, LOL! Must have been dad. But I digress...... :)
Too funny! I do remember your daughter's team. My daughter liked their leos (she was rating the different team leos, LOL!). We were back there yesterday for my daughter's comp. Glad that you guys made it here and back safely!

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