MAG So sad

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Men's Artistic Gymnastics


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Jul 19, 2011
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So yesterday was D's last day of elementary school. IT was a sad day, saying goodbye to friends since kindergarten as they all scatter to middle school. He teared up a few times :(

Then, last night while we were at the skating party for his school (he skipped gym for a number of end of year events), we get the email that his coach has resigned and today is his last official day. D was shocked and even more sad. 1/2 of his life has been spent with this coach. now we wait for a new hc, and hope that it is a good fit. :(
Poor kid. That is a lot of transitioning at once. Much harder because the coach's resignation was so sudden. All good thoughts for him, and I hope the new coach connects with the guys quickly.
thanks guys. I know in the long run this is going to be a good change. But was like a punch in the gut to him last night :(
I'm so sorry to hear this! I know he wasn't very available lately but he sounded like an amazing coach. I hope they find someone even more amazing who has time to focus on coaching. Good luck!!
Yeah, that is a lot to process all in one day. I hope the new coach is a good fit. Do they have someone or is the search on?
Oh no! Transitions can be rough, especially when they're unexpected. I'm sure with time he'll make new friends and bond with the new coach, but it's no fun in the meantime.
OMG! I am so sorry to hear that!!! My son had to switch coaches at that age too and it was hard. It is a tough transition from 'parent' coach to 'other' coach. My DS has gone through an evolution dealing with a new authority....
It really is a learning experience. It is a hard lesson for children that change is scary, but is part of life.
Good luck!
Keep your chin up!
PS is outgoing coach moving on to a new opportunity?
Wow, that's a lot in a day for sure. Poor kid. Great thing about this sport is that it makes the kids a little tougher than the average bear.
Oh, that's rough! Do they already have a new HC lined up? If not I hope you get one quickly and that he brings some much needed stability to the program.
NO coach yet. He said they are interviewing. Heard thru the rumor mill that they are we shall see.
well, my sons spent a few weeks with NO coach after old HC abruptly left this December - a young coach from the rec side stepped in and He's AMAZING! All the boys are thriving and all are moving up a level (or 2) and really working hard and learning tons. Here's to hoping change turns out to be a positive thing for your DS as well!
We still don't have a boys coach .. Hc has been coaching for a while now . When she can't coach they find a fill in . It's hard on everyone.

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Oh no that's a lot to bear in one day! Hope he gets a great new coach soon. But what a day to get that news.
We recently had our HC leave to open her own gym, while the at the same time the gym owners daughter graduated college and is returning she has resumed head coaching duties. Several of the middle aged group have left to follow the old coach whereas the oldest kids have stayed, since they used to train with the gym owners daugther. Many of the lower level kids have stayed, only from my perspective because they still have little clue what it means to be a competitive gymnast...
I just found out yesterday that HC is moving to director position. He will coach until he finds a replacement HC.
Change is very scary, but I am happy at the same time. I really like HC, but I think he will shine as the director.
It's no secret that my son was having issues with HC, that began around 12-13. We have ALL really worked through the issues and have been able to continue at the gym, but my son is excited to get some new blood in.
We will seeeeeeee.....
I will remain optimistic and supportive.

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