WAG So your hands have to shift for a pirouette?

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Proud Parent
Feb 21, 2015
Reaction score
We would love to know if a pirouette would count without shifting your hands.
I know this sounds bizarre, but my kid started doing this by accident last night and it worked well. But she doesn’t know if she would get credit and one coach says yes while the other says no. She has always had a very challenged pirouette and she has to have one in her routine because her coach is not into her doing a kip switch after her pac. Last night by accident as she was bailing out of a pirouette she turned and without thinking about it she put her right hand on the bar and was in complete handstand. She was so surprised and finished her routine. My kid is a lefty, so as she was turning, her right hand went on the bar. I hope this is making sense. Basically she is turning but her hands aren’t really shifting, and yes she is doing it in complete handstand, so it’s not like she is bailing out actually. Would love to know if this is an acceptable form of pirouette so she doesn’t lose credit in her routine.
I did this by accident in one of my level 8 meets and I received credit.
Reverse pirouette? Like this...

If she goes up facing one way and comes down facing the other, it's a pirouette. If I recall correctly (which I might not, as it's been awhile since I coached upper-levels), the exact hand placement doesn't really change anything as far as scoring/credit are concerned.
(They can make a difference in technique and in how you'd use it in a routine, but that's a separate discussion)
Here is what we are talking about... Tori Tatum does it after the Pak...

If she goes up facing one way and comes down facing the other, it's a pirouette. If I recall correctly (which I might not, as it's been awhile since I coached upper-levels), the exact hand placement doesn't really change anything as far as scoring/credit are concerned.

Yes... I agree with this.
We would love to know if a pirouette would count without shifting your hands.
I know this sounds bizarre, but my kid started doing this by accident last night and it worked well. But she doesn’t know if she would get credit and one coach says yes while the other says no. She has always had a very challenged pirouette and she has to have one in her routine because her coach is not into her doing a kip switch after her pac. Last night by accident as she was bailing out of a pirouette she turned and without thinking about it she put her right hand on the bar and was in complete handstand. She was so surprised and finished her routine. My kid is a lefty, so as she was turning, her right hand went on the bar. I hope this is making sense. Basically she is turning but her hands aren’t really shifting, and yes she is doing it in complete handstand, so it’s not like she is bailing out actually. Would love to know if this is an acceptable form of pirouette so she doesn’t lose credit in her routine.
Technically, it does count for a pirouette as long as you do a full 180-degree turn and if it's ending in a handstand it counts. But, I don't recommend doing this as it might end up in a habit. That also means by the time she finished pirouetting her left hand is in under-grip. She might have a hard time adding a skill out of it.
Technically, it does count for a pirouette as long as you do a full 180-degree turn and if it's ending in a handstand it counts. But, I don't recommend doing this as it might end up in a habit. That also means by the time she finished pirouetting her left hand is in under-grip. She might have a hard time adding a skill out of it.
Thank you so much. Her left hand actually shifts so that’s a good thing! It’s hard to explain it, but she did compete it this weekend and it did count. Which is huge for her
Technically, it does count for a pirouette as long as you do a full 180-degree turn and if it's ending in a handstand it counts. But, I don't recommend doing this as it might end up in a habit. That also means by the time she finished pirouetting her left hand is in under-grip. She might have a hard time adding a skill out of it.

Both hands end up in a regular over grip… there should be no issues. Just as a reverse pirouette flips the hand second… so does this technique.
Like everyone said, the special requirement is a 1/2 turn, any technique is fine for getting credit. I think what you all are describing is called a Higgins roll in the code? It’s in same box as the classic pirouette. The execution deduction of up to 0.3 for angle of completion is determined when the second hand re-grasps the bar after turn.

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