Parents TEAMDAD: Give us an update...please

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Hi, thanks for thinking about us. Elizabeth is still performing in Nutcracker (and loving it) and has been cast in A Midsummer Night's Dream. She has already started rehearsals for performances that start right after Nutcracker finishes. She has said that she doesn't want to do gymnastics anymore and we've left it at that for now.

I would like her to atleast finish what she has started so after her run of shows are done, she'll return to practice without the pressure of competing and hopefully she will start to enjoy gymnastics again.

Happy Holidays everyone!!
I had a feeling that would be your answer when we did not hear from you for awhile. I wish her the best of luck! She is one talented girl!
Thanks. Here's a few pictures from the NC benefit dinner:

Elizabeth and her friend

Time to get the girls on stage

Signing autographs after the show at the benefit
Oh that is so wonderful. She looks so happy and that is all we ever want for them. Glad you are still around enough for us to play catch up!
Great pics TeamDad! I am so glad that Elizabeth is loving ballet! That's awesome that she is already cast in the next show--big congrats to her!! Dani just finished her Nutcracker. We had a big snowstorm here this past weekend so 2 out of the 3 shows were cancelled. We got in a good show on Friday. Dani had a blast! I can see why Elizabeth has chosen ballet over gymnastics--the shows and performing can become very addicting! So far Dani still likes gymnastics and isn't willing to give that up yet.

Not to highjack your thread TeamDad but here are some pics from Dani's Friday night show:

Link Removed

Can't wait to hear more about Elizabeth with her dancing. Whether it is ballet or gymnastics, Elizabeth is a gorgeous and talented girl that will shine in whatever she does! Have a great holiday!!!
Thank you so much for sharing! It looks like she is having a marvelous time. Looks like performing is more her passion, and that's great. She is phenomenal girl, and I hope that you continue to post her achievements on here. We would all love to keep up and hear about what she's up to.
Glad to hear from you, Teamdad. Elizabeth looks like she is just having the best time. I think she's found her calling is the stage and roar of the crowd. Keep dropping in here with pics of her and updates.

As bog said, bottom line is she's happy and thats all you can ask for!
Thank you all for your kind words. I do check in from time to time to see what everyone is up to. Best of luck to you with your competition seasons.

thanks for sharing the pics MdGymMom01. Too bad about the snow. Dani looks like she's really had a great night!
Glad to hear that Elizabeth is having such a successful and fun time with her ballet! She is so talented and will go far! She looks very happy in her pics. :)
Wow, just saw this post. Didn't know your dd was contemplating leaving gymnastics. But just looking at the pics you posted tells me volumes. She is happy! There is such a great varitey of experiences she can have thru dance/theater, I don't balme her one bit for her choice right now! Keep us posted and give us some pics now and then, ok? Take Care. :)
Well it's official, she's done. We just called the gym and had her removed from the meet schedule and also asked them to stop all monthly charges. Wasn't sure what life would be like without gymnastics but so far it's been....well, normal:)

My parents were at a dinner and somehow the subject of gymnastics came up. My folks asked the other couple where their daughter did her gymnastics and turns out they are team mates. They asked if they knew Elizabeth and they said of course, the girl who never comes to practice and shows up at the meets and wins everything. They said it in a nice way, but I guess that's how she'll be remembered. Atleast she finished as a champion which is something she should be very proud of!!

She has one more show for Midsummer's. I saw it the other day and the girls were all fantastic. Truly a beautiful production and she got be on stage and dance with one of her instructors who is a prima ballerina and who she adores and looks up to, Darci Kistler.

Sanity prevaled and the NYCB intervened and none of the girls who did Nutcracker or Midsummers will be cast in sleeping beauty so they can all get a well deserved break. It's been really great to have home in the evenings and we can actually have family dinners again.

Elizabeth tried out for the role of the acrobat in Ariadne auf Naxos today and...drum roll the part! She will be performing at the Metropolitan Opera House in February and may also be performing across the plaza with NYCB in Swan Lake.

So I guess you can say, life is still never dull. I no longer have our sports doctor and physical therapist on speed dial and she hasn't needed any treatment for anything since she stopped doing gymnastics.

I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Years and I wish everyone a great 2010!!!
That is truely awesome! I hope that you continue to add photos and updates on here and maybe sneek in a video of performances once in a while. I look for Elizabeth to be a bright and shining star on stage!
I think this is wonderful news! Of course we would love her to be part of the gymnastics community but it sounds like she has moved on to such amazing new opportunities you can't be even a little upset!

Congrats and keep checking in with us!
I'm sad but glad, all rolled into one! It's always bittersweet to me, when another gymnast calls it quits. BUT, WOW! She has so many amazing opportunities ahead of her. Can't wait to come to NY one day & see her as a Prima Ballerina in some production!

Too funny about no longer having the Sport Doc on your Speed Dial! Glad to hear that the injuries are no longer plaguing her!

Take care & check back in please, with pics of course!

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