Those with Fall Seasons? What is your State Doing

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Proud Parent
May 3, 2020
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Those of you in states with Fall Seasons have you heard what your state is planning to do for meet season ? Is it being pushed back a few weeks? Pushed to 2021, Up in the air? DD was supposed to do L5. The prospect of optionals not happening until 2022 is demotivating. Our state went back to practice in mid May.
Cases are spiking now. I can’t imagine any gym wanting to take on the risk of hosting a meet even in September as they would normally be deciding bids for meets this month.
Minnesota has moved the compulsory season to winter, to coincide with the optional season
Undecided so far in our state. They have discussed pushing it back a month or two and then it would run right into optional season.
I believe NorCal is not holding the fall compulsory season.
Our cases are quickly rising, but Texas just put out a new compulsory calendar and they are mostly keeping the fall season. Instead of running August-November, it will run September-mid December. The only other change is it looks like there is not level 4 north and south states leading to a level 4 state meet - instead they are just qualifying right to state.
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I mean...I understand that a complete shutdown is unlikely to happen again. But with the way cases are rising, and the unpredictability of the situation, it's hard for me to imagine that they'll find gyms willing to take on the risk of hosting all these meets! Especially because the planning for the fall season would have to start now.
With active cases still rising and virtually everything open in Texas I’m being A little extra cautious.
I’m also in Texas and our gym hasn’t decided what they are doing yet as far as fall compulsory season goes. Even if there is a season we may not compete. I believe my daughter is/was on track to score out of 5 and compete 6, but coaches as of right now have no answers for us.
I believe our state is moving its compulsory state meet to spring. I am in Arizona and we are making national news right now about the rise in covid-19 cases so who knows what things will look like by 2021. I can imagine that there will be a lot of small in-house meets, or gyms will just have their own and have a judge come in to move up or at least give the gymnasts the feel of competing. I could also imagine that only one parent or family member will be allowed to watch with social distancing marked out around the observation area if there is actually a real competition. Really until there is a vaccination, I don't see a lot of interstate travel or really big meets, but you never know.
I also suspect there could be fewer, smaller meets, but really have no idea because Texas is pretenting coronavirus doesn't exist.

And here we are with these brand new, pretty leos that they got to wear 3 times. We keep for two years, but if there is an in-house or abbreviated season this year....I keep thinking we should keep them for a third year, but it's not like my kid (or almost any kid) is going to fit in her same one after 3 years.
So Cal has canceled the fall compulsory season and is doing a spring season instead. It'll be a busy season with compulsory, optionals and xcel
I am in Texas as well. It’s hard for me to imagine a gym willing to take on the liability of hosting any meet and especially a District Championship, North or South State for 3/4 and State Meets for 4/5. Also hosting a meet costs money so if the size and spectators are limited the gyms could lose money. From what I have seen Texas just pushed back the compulsory season by about 3 weeks within the last week or so.

I would be happy with an in house meet so DD can get the L5 score at this point. I also agree with Sk8er that there are plenty of people here in TX that think the virus doesn’t exist. I’ve heard many gyms arent’t planning to compete in the Fall but rumor is ours is. As petty as it sounds I’d also like to know because I’m up for buying a competition leotard and warmup which will easily run $400+
Our gym had us sign a waiver specifically for Covid. I imagine if there are meets, there will be an additional waiver to protect the host gym. Everyone knows the risks by now, and if they choose to participate, the host gym shouldn’t be liable. I think for the states that choose a fall season, there will be smaller in house meets.
Our gym had us sign a waiver specifically for Covid. I imagine if there are meets, there will be an additional waiver to protect the host gym. Everyone knows the risks by now, and if they choose to participate, the host gym shouldn’t be liable. I think for the states that choose a fall season, there will be smaller in house meets.

Liability for someone’s catching COVID isn’t the only risk in hosting a meet. There is a substantial risk that the meet may have to be cancelled if a state tightens its public health measures or if USAG decides to pull sanctions again. Probably not as much of a risk in states such as Texas that are taking a “damn the torpedoes” approach, but still a risk. There is also the risk that not enough people will want to attend. For these reasons, many non-gymnastics organizations are already deciding not to host in-person events well into 2021.

In our state, the approach to managing the risk of cancellation is just never to cancel meets no matter what. That sort of works for blizzards, but it won’t work for government restrictions on large gatherings or for a lost sanction. You could mitigate the financial losses by refusing to return registration fees, but you would still lose the revenue from spectator fees etc.
I can't imagine why a gym would host a large meet next competition season given the risk that the meet could be cancelled if there is a big second wave of Covid. It's already been a tough financial period for gyms, why run the risk of losing money on a meet? I'm guessing fewer teams will travel out of state for meets, and fewer teams mean less revenue. Maybe they can sign contracts with venues and equipment rental companies agreeing to return the gym's deposit if the meet has to be cancelled, but they still invest in trophies- typically engraved with the year, and athlete gifts, which would be a sunk cost. I guess there could be a miracle vaccine by the winter, but I'm guessing it'll mostly be in-house meets or very small meets with only a few gyms.
I agree. The risk is getting canceled or having costly precautions you have to follow is worrisome. We did a Jan meet last year that we were planning to make annual, but I know our owner is still trying to decide if it can make any money or not. I think it could be doable if we kept it small and did it in our gym. I kind of suspect we'll see a lot of small, local meets this year.
Has anyone been to any meets lately? Colorado CARA league had a meet today. CO USAG has postponed season till Oct.

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