WAG Two weeks off

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Proud Parent
Jun 6, 2008
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So what are your feelings on short breaks, or time off?
DD who is 8 stated that since we were going on vacation anyway, and she only would have a 2 day practice that week right before, that she would like to take two solid weeks off.
Of course, initially, I was like 'no' and 'but the progress' and etc., etc. (in my head)

She has been working very had, and has achieved MANY new skills. She is only new L3, even though she could easily do new L4. She has kip, many ROBHS, ROBT, she is trying standing back tuck.

I think she is totally right. I told her to just stretch, and if she wanted to condition a bit she could. She said that after a small break she would be even better with her new skills.
Her body could use a good 2 week healing.....she is right.

why do we think time off is bad?
My daughter just had two and a half weeks off due to our family vacation. She always loves gymnastics, but I have noticed that she seems especially happy to be back at gym. Absence makes the heart grow fonder?

Her coach said she'd have her back to full strength etc after about a week (she works them very hard!)

So while she missed out on all the holiday training that the others in her squad had, I'm not concerned at all. Family holidays are important too!
We found that a break is good as long as she still stretches and conditions. Have a wonderful vacation :)
I think a complete break is good. Not even conditioning or stretching. Mental and physical rest and healing, no thinking about gymnastics, can sometimes do so much good.

At worst she may be a little bit stiff for the first week back, but sometimes they come back energised and rested and the skills are even better :)

Of course she'll probably keep fairly fit playing in the park, swimming etc. I don't know a gymnast who can sit around for long!
DD's best practice of the summer came the 2nd day back after a vacation (got several skills she'd been working for months). I'm sure the mental and physical rest was a good thing.
She never sits on her butt idle......she is always doing some activity...
Plus she will continue to stretch....
I just dont want to bug her. She has been goin to gym for 20 hrs a week and she deserves a break. Mentally and physically.

The last time she took a nice 10 day vacation, she also came back and got 3 new skills the first day.

I think the coaches have engrained them to think they MUST always continue....breaks are bad. One guy tells the kids that muscles begin atrophying after 3 days.......these are little kids, they dont need to worry about this yet...

I should be worrying about my own atrophying muscles!
Glad I read this thread! We're also going on vacation in August, and DD is going to miss 4 practices. I was worried that it would put her behind, especially since she is still missing a few important skills for L3. I was thinking that we will probably have to take a couple private lessons to catch up. But sounds like a break could be good for her, and she might get her skills faster after it. Good to know! :)
So what are your feelings on short breaks, or time off?
She is only new L3, even though she could easily do new L4. She has kip, many ROBHS, ROBT, she is trying standing back tuck.

I think she is totally right. I told her to just stretch, and if she wanted to condition a bit she could. She said that after a small break she would be even better with her new skills.
Her body could use a good 2 week healing.....she is right.

why do we think time off is bad?

munchkin3;242006) [B said:
I think the coaches have engrained them to think they MUST always continue[/B]....breaks are bad. One guy tells the kids that muscles begin atrophying after 3 days.......these are little kids, they dont need to worry about this yet...

Glad I read this thread! We're also going on vacation in August, and DD is going to miss 4 practices. I was worried that it would put her behind, especially since she is still missing a few important skills for L3. I was thinking that we will probably have to take a couple private lessons to catch up. But sounds like a break could be good for her, and she might get her skills faster after it. Good to know! :)

Ok a little perspective here...you're talking about Level 3s missing practices in the summer!! They are kids and they should be taking "time off " in the summer and not worrying one iota about a missed practice...there is nothing wrong with time off, period.
Ok a little perspective here...you're talking about Level 3s missing practices in the summer!! They are kids and they should be taking "time off " in the summer and not worrying one iota about a missed practice...there is nothing wrong with time off, period.

Well, the reason I'm worried is, as I said, DD is still missing a few essential skills for L3, and they are going to make a decision of who will compete at what level at the end of August. So, at this point I believe every practice is important in order to get all the skills. If my DD had all the skills and more, like the OP's daughter, I wouldn't worry about missing a few practices.
We are on vacation now. DD is missing 6 practices (2 weeks). I hated the idea of her missing so much practice time when she doesn't have either her ROBHS or her front hip circle. With competition season starting in September I even thought about cutting our vacation short so she could get back to practice. Then I though "geez, she's only 6, what's the big deal". So I decided to just enjoy our vacation :)
I'll admit they make me nervous. We were off a week for spring break and DD lost her kip despite having it for over a year and competing it all year long. Took her almost two weeks to get it back to what it was before the break. Then we took a break for Independence Day and she lost her giant. She wasn't very solid on it yet but still hasn't even gotten close to getting it back.
She never sits on her butt idle......she is always doing some activity...
Plus she will continue to stretch....
I just dont want to bug her. She has been goin to gym for 20 hrs a week and she deserves a break. Mentally and physically.

The last time she took a nice 10 day vacation, she also came back and got 3 new skills the first day.

I think the coaches have engrained them to think they MUST always continue....breaks are bad. One guy tells the kids that muscles begin atrophying after 3 days.......these are little kids, they dont need to worry about this yet...

I should be worrying about my own atrophying muscles!

20 hours a week for new level 3? No wonder she has some higher skills. She needs a break. That is a huge amount of hours for the skills in level 3 IMHO. Enjoy the holiday.
I was in your shoes many times when my daughter was in compulsories and I've posted my concerns. All the qualified coaches responded and said "enjoy the vacation." My daughter is L9, training L10 now. And we were thinking of going on a two week vacation. I thought back to what I've been advised in the past. It should be no problem. Then a chalkbucket member posted a question about going on a week long vacation for her L9 gymnast. And to my surprise the same qualified coaches, seriously cautioned against it. The moral of the story, enjoy your vacations while you still can. She is young and in L3. I get your concerns, but if she had those skills, she'll get them back in no time. Her coaches also know her, her abilities and speed in which she gets things. If she loses them when she gets back, the coaches will know if she is capable of getting them back quickly in time for comp. We went to Asia in Dec. of my daughter's L4 season. We were gone an entire month! She competed in a meet two weeks after she got back and won first AA. Don't worry too much this early in the game. You'll have plenty of time sooner than you think. My daughter is only turning 12 and I feel bad we have to ration her vacations already. Just try to keep her active whilst on vacation.
Our gym closes for three weeks in the summer - first three of July. DD is headed back today. She went to gym camp for a week, we had vacation for a week, and she chilled with my mom for a week. As I was walking out the door at the end of June, one of the head coaches said... "Everyone needs a break".

it is one philosophy, I know there are others. but every kid from L1 to Nationals takes the three weeks, so it can't be too bad.

it sure does make her miss it though... And she is really looking forward to this afternoon's return to the gym!
Put it this way. If you think a 2 week vacation is going to affect her chance at the Olympics or the national team, make the sacrifice. Although I think unless it's the year before an olympic trial, it still won't make a difference.

If not, remember gymnastics ultimately should be fun, and go on that vacation, or to that party. The more you make her miss out on, the more likely she is to quit.
If your daughter at only age 8 is wanting a break I say absolutely take the full 2 weeks. She sounds talented and her biggest risk right now to not achieving L10 (or whatever her long term goal is) is burnout. I encourage anyone with younger children or lower levels to take breaks.
And for others of you concerned about having skills for this season, I encourage you to think Long term. It is much easier to take the breaks now. We just came back from almost 3 weeks off, my dd is L8 and did all of her skills on her first day back. In less than a week she was back full- force with endurance, strength, etc. Although I was concerned about taking off for that long, I knew it would be better now than in future summers when she is L9 or L10.
DD is taking a two week break, DMom is only taking a one week break!!! I wish i could take two consecutive weeks off from ANYTHING!!! LOL

Seriously though, It is just funny to me how us gym parents are conditioned to 'worry' about this! At the end of the day, we all need a vacation from what we do in order to continue to be good at it!

No olympics here.....and I am lucky DD's gym had the option of racking up daily hours instead of having to run around finding other camps to put her in while we work. I took advantage of the program. I am just glad she hung in there for 5 weeks!!

Her head coach told her to enjoy vacation. And I am sure she will :)
Thanks for the responses, I am glad to hear I am not alone with my thoughts.
We never took vacations as my daughter moved thru levels 4-9. But now as she is going to 10 we have taken multiple trips. It hasn't hurt her at all, actually it probably helped her
She is only 12 and As her mom I wanted her to have more than workouts this summer. She really enjoyed the travel for fun

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