Parents Update on DD's Level 5 bars

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Proud Parent
Mar 7, 2008
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I posted a few weeks ago asking for advice on DD's problem with not being able to jump to the high bar. I emailed the coach and she's been working with DD almost every practice. Mind you, she has been working on Level 5 skills/routines for over a year, and it wasn't until I finally said something, that anyone paid attention to the fact that she was having a problem????!!! Anyway, I've put that behind me, and I'm just glad that she's getting help now.

So anyway, they are not using mats, but the coach did pull the bars in closer for her. DD is getting more confident about the jump and last Thurs she did it herself without needing the coach to stand by the bar. She sometimes makes it, sometimes doesn't. Countdown - 9 practices to her next Sectional.
That sounds great, nice to see she is getting that extra support when she needs it. Hopefully it gives her what she needs for her next meet.

I think sometimes coaches don't notice because our kids don't say anything. Therefore the coach thinks it's not a big deal for the child. I always tell my big DD that she needs to ask, she is very quiet at gym and doesn't get as much one on one because she doesn't ask. The louder more demanding kids always get their one on one time, just life really.
That is great news! I have fears that this skill is going to hang my dd up too. She is, like your dd, very small and very young. She has caught the top bar when they are set closer together but can't when they are set at the usual practice distance.

It's good to hear that your dd is getting it! Crossing my fingers that she has it solidly by the next sectional.

I am glad they are doing something... We had 2 girls have to move back to 4 this year because of this reason. Our gym won't adjust the bars closer ever, no matter how much smaller the girls are to the rest of the team. They expect the girls to just jump and catch it and if they can't... they do privates till they do or they move back to 4. I thought it was awful because both of these girls are way too good for 4.
I am sure your daughter will be catching the bar all the time soon:) She can do it. I know Emily is scared of jumping to the high bar too. So I know how you feel and the frustration it can cause:(
Big hugs and keep us posted on how she is coming along:)
I .. they do privates till they do or they move back to 4. I thought it was awful because both of these girls are way too good for 4.

If only we coudl get a private or 2, I'm sure she could get it in no time with proper help! I have been so tempted to get her an outside private with my older DD's former bar coach. This guy had our girls at the top of their game on bars! But of course, going outside the gym is a big no-no! Stilll.... DD cannot go back to L4 because she's already competed in a L5 sectional. Anyway, the coaches don't see her not having her jump as a problem :confused:

Thanks for everyone's support! 7 more practices to go...

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