Vault: Tsuk Vs Yurchenko

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Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
I have a question regarding the thought process behind what vaults coaches teach and why.

My DD is training L9. She did 2 years of L8. 1st year did a 1/2 twist on 1/2 twist off vault. Last year vault finally 'clicked' she did a Tuck Tsuk for most of the year and ended doing a Pike at state and regions. She scored low to mid 9's. Even qualfying for an event final at one meet.

This year, she was learning Yurchenkos. She started flipping them into a pit, no spot. They were fine, but they were low and a little slow.

Her coach changed her back to Tsuk's.

This is his thought. If she wants to compete L9 this year a Tsuk and Yurchenko entry is the same value. So if she has a strong Pike Tsuk compared to a weaker Tuck Yurchekno, her start value will be higher and supposedly her overall score.

My question comes in for up training, Yes in theory she can do a Layout or a twisting Tsuk (and btw she has the layout almost fully stretched) But you don't see girls competing those. Why? Is the coach Hamstrininger her, for lack of a better term, for a higher start value on a vault that seems to be dead-ended?
A yurchenko vault is easier to do, it pretty much depends on the gymnast. A tsuk is good for girls who are strong and powerful, versus a yurchenko is easier to get on top of the vault and it is a simple push off the vault to flip. Not very many people can do a tsuk layout, that is the reasoning for you not seeing them. :)
Interesting question. I have no thoughts on this sorry but, am also curious as to why after level 8 the Tsuk seems to obsolete.

Would love to know some other coachs and judges thoughts on this too.

Thanks for asking.
It depends a lot on the gymnast. A tsuk is not in any way an inherently weaker vault or a dead end. Some gymnasts do better with Tsuks, some with Yurchenkos.

By the way: which way does she twist, and which hand does she lead with in her entry for the tsuk? Depending on the answer (and depending on the coaches' approach and familiarity with the progressions), it may actually be easier for her to twist the tsuk than the yurchenko.
By the way: which way does she twist, and which hand does she lead with in her entry for the tsuk? Depending on the answer (and depending on the coaches' approach and familiarity with the progressions), it may actually be easier for her to twist the tsuk than the yurchenko.
She said she just finds Tsuk's easy. I think she puts her right hand down first. I can PM you a video.
Got the video, definitely a right-handed entry. Which direction does she twist in her other skills (ie full on floor)?

I don't think you really need to worry; there isn't any inherent advantage to yurchenkos over tsuks, and there isn't any inherent need for her to be able to do a yurchenko.

Different gymnasts are naturally strong on different types of vaults. I'd say the majority of female gymnasts are naturally strongest on yurchenkos, but this is certainly not a universal rule; some are stronger on tsuks, and some are stronger on handspring fronts.

I wouldn't worry.
I have a level 10 who competes a twisting Tsuk. She competed a Tsuk tuck full in 09 and last year did a Tsuk tuck 1 1/2 and scored well.
My dd competes the Yurchenko, she has never trained the Tsuk. What her coach told me is that the Tsuk is a power vault (hence why she has never trained it) and the Yurchenko is a finesse vault, it's more about technique.

Her coach went on to say that many girls can do a decent Tsuk tuck or pike, but there are only a few who are powerful enough to twist a Tsuk which is why many start Tsuk and then switch to Yurchenko.
This is why I like this site, I learn so much :). My DD is just beginning learning new vaults so it will be interesting to see what vault she is better at. Kristilyn73, hope your DD has a good L9 year with what ever vault she does!
We have a girl at my gym who is going to be a level 9 and she is training a tsuk layout! It is amazing to watch.
I haven't had a chance to ask my dd's coach, but GrannySmith's explanation fits why my dd ( level 8) much prefers the yurchenko while her teammates are doing the tsuk.
My gymmie initially trained a tsuk for L8 and competed it her 1st season. She had done Yerchenko timers at her old gym. I would describe my gymmie as a power kid, but she never felt comfortable with the tsuk(ok, some of it was the coaching). Last summer she asked to work on the yerchenko again and that vault is much more comfortable over all for her. She competed a tuck yerchenko last season and is pushing to get the layout now.
Flipper was reading these posts over my shoulder. She said to tell you that "Tsuks are EVIL. Do a yurchenko!" Helpful little thing, isn't she?! She competed a pike tsuk last year and will complete a yurchenko this year.
Flipper was reading these posts over my shoulder. She said to tell you that "Tsuks are EVIL. Do a yurchenko!" Helpful little thing, isn't she?! She competed a pike tsuk last year and will complete a yurchenko this year.

My gymmie would totally agree:) She actually finds the layout easier for her than a pike and the HC feels its a better vault for her, so hoping she can make it work.
She said to tell you that "Tsuks are EVIL. Do a yurchenko!"
Beetle wouldn't mind doing a yurchenko, but she was always "high on the table" So her coach made her stop and now is only working Tsuks. She couldn't figure out how not be 'high on'
H does a beautiful tsuk. I know whatever she cmpetes at level 9 will be great. I think a little variety in vault is good.

GT's explanation would explain why H and my DD are both great at Tsuking. Goes along with their great desire to tumble well. meet season seems so far away but alas it will be here sooner than we all wish :)

Thanks for all the great info. This is also one of the many reasons I love this site.
Beetle wouldn't mind doing a yurchenko, but she was always "high on the table" So her coach made her stop and now is only working Tsuks. She couldn't figure out how not be 'high on'

Boo can't get high enough on the table! LOL She always hits too close. But, she's not powerful enough to flip a tsuk so Yurchenko it is (assuming she can figure it out by competition season, of course).
Our daughter is doing a pike tsuck for L8 and likes it. So she is another vote for the tsuck is not evil. Most of her L8 team seems to be doing some version of the tsuck or a front handspring vault.

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