Warm up and conditioning program??

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Im a level 8 gymnast. I was wondering if anyone could share a warm up routine they do or know of? I would like to offer my coach a new program of warm up activities to do.

Open to all suggestions and comments please!:)

Our warm-up is more of a complex.

Tumble track:
1 pass of split jumps (1 pass on each leg)
1 pass of straddle jumps
1 pass of R split, L split, straddle
1 pass of switch split jumps
1 pass of BHS to the end of the TT
1 pass of standing tucks
1 pass of BHS BT FT

Across the floor:
1 pass forward kicks
1 pass arabesque kicks
1 pass sideways kicks
1 pass needle kicks
1 pass pike walks
1 pass pike pull-throughs (like pike walks but legs stay together)
1 pass handstand walks
1 pass BWO
1 pass FWO
1 pass BHS across the floor (step-out)
1 pass BHS across the floor (2 feet)
1 pass standing tucks (compulsories can grab panel mats or get an optional to spot them on a few)
1 pass bottom scoots
1 pass straddle pushes backwards (kind of a variation of bottom scoots-- much harder)
1 pass inchworm 5 push-ups

Spread out on floor:
on good leg- lunge; straight leg and push back; split; lean forward in split and put elbows on floor; arch back in split; hands up in split (at least 30 sec each)
same on bad leg
about 2 minutes of pancakes (legs in straddle, chest on floor)
about 3 minutes of straddle splits
pike stretch (sitting)-- variant- flex feet and grab on, and then put your elbows on the floor
pike stretch (standing)-- 1 minute hands flat
stretch wrists, ankles, shoulders, back by yourself

We do lots of stuff. :) May take me a while to type it all out. D&B = Down and Back.

Run 5 minutes.
Sashay (sp?) to the inside.
Sashay (sp?) to the outside.
Run again for a minute.
Line up in "Panels". (Our floor has Velcro lines on it that create panels)
Tight body bounces (Like straight jumps only smaller) down and back.
Tight body bounces backwards down and back.
Squat jumps down and back.
Handstand walking down and back.
Handstand, Donkey (Popping back up to handstand) full pirouette, roll out D&B.
Butt scoots down.
Straddle presses back. (Not mandatory to press to handstand)
Push Up Walks. (Walk one, two, 3 pushups continue) Down.
Hollow Rolls back. (Hollow hold 1 second roll to stomach roll to back, 1 tuckup, one V-up, one straddle up, repeat until and end of the panel.)
Tuck jumps (In a row) down and back.
Split jumps (In a row) down and back.
Straight jump connected with a Straddle Jump down and back.
Tuck Jump, Split Jump, Straddle Jump, Jump Full Turn D&B.
Walk with arms in "Crown" D&B, using ankle weights.
Kicks with ankle weights Down and Back.
Then we usually do some Ab and Arm conditioning, then stretch.
It usually takes 1 hour..1 hour and half sometimes.
PHASE 1- July and August​

1) LEGS- Day 1-3
2/12 Roll and Jumps (onto ELEVATED SURFACE)-ADD HEIGHT
3/10 Squat Jumps ( Up onto Elevated Surface)-ADD HEIGHT
2/10 Vertical Jumps- For height, reach for target line
2/5 Standing Back Tucks ( ELEVATED if possible)
5 Full Sprints- Soccer area

2) STOMACH- Day 1-3
2/25 Twisting Crunchers- Hands behind head, elbow to opposite knee- Add 5 lbs
2/12 Stalder Leg Lifts
2/10 Hollow Rock to High Candle and HOLD
2/10 Arch to Hollow Rolls- arms fully extended
2/12 Leg Lifts – For SPEED

3) ARMS- Day 2-4
2/7 Press Handstands- Pike up against the wall ( unless they can press by themselves)
2/15 Clapping Push Ups- Hollow Body- ( Feet Elevated)
2/15- Dips Hops- Max slant
2/12 90 Degree HSPU From NECK- rounded back, full ROM
2/10 Wide Arm Pull Ups- to the NECK

2/50/50/50 Toe Rises- ( 50 Forces arch SLOW- 50 Fast POPPING-50 punches
2/15 Side Sit Ups ( hold for 10 on last rep- ABOVE HORIZONTAL)
2/15 Sag to Hollow- Feet elevated-
2/10 Popping Single Leg Hips Lifts- Thrust and change legs
2 Minutes Total Time- Handstand Holds- Count 1001-1002 and total 2 minutes of hold time.

PHASE 2- Sept and October​

1) LEGS- Day 1-3
3/12 Roll and Jumps- Up onto Red Blocks
3/10 Squat Jumps – Up onto Red Blocks
2/10 Long Jumps- For distance, connected with no stopping in between
3/25 Tuck Jumps- Side to Side OVER ELEVATED OBJECT
3/50 Straight Jumps- Quick punching action

2) STOMACH- Day 1-3
2/15 Uphill Sit Ups- On Beam
2/20 Leg Lifts- From L to compression, on BRS
2/1 FX Leg Slides on Frisbee
2/10 Partner Leg Throws- Straight arms
STOMACH CURCUIT- 30 second hollow hold/ 30 second hollow rock/ 30 second Hollow side to side/ 10 Side roll to hollow L and R, 15 V – Ups, 25 Speed crunchers.

3) ARMS- Day 2-4
2/7 Press Handstands
3/20 Push Ups- Hollow Body- Feet elevated and chest must touch floor, panel mat
3/15 Dips- Thumbs to arm pits for full range of motion
3/12 90 Degree HSPU- rounded back, full ROM
2 – 1 Minute Handstands
2 Rope Climbs-

2/15 Reverse Twisting Sit Ups- Up and twist L/R 45 above horizontal.
3/10 Hamstring Push Ups
2/25 Arch Rocks
2/12 Reverse Leg Lifts- with weight between feet
BUTT CURCUIT- 25 each of knee to chest and extend/ straight leg lifts to 45 degrees above horizontal/ straight leg circle with leg above horizontal/ straight leg horizontal swings/ bend knee side lift, straight leg side lift and end with 10 second holds back high/ back horizontal and side horizontal.

Nov, Dec, Jan

1.) LEGS- (Quickness)
Plyometric Training
3 Passes Rabbit
75 single leg toe raises
8/20 sec Mountain Climbers
3/30- Double Board rebounds- to 8” mat stick finish
2- Dot Box- for speed

2/15- Hollow Hip Lifts
3/12- V- Ups – With Ball between feet- Do not drop the ball
2- 1 Minute- Ball Push Up Holds, Feet on Ball
10- Ball Push Ups- Hands on Ball, Feet elevated on stable surface
3/12 Leg Lifts- ( Timed- must do in 17 seconds)

3.) ARMS-
3/10- Clapping Push Ups- IF hands do not CLAP- add a set ( Max 5 sets)
2- Piked Rope Climbs- with foam block- Drop it = 4
2- Passes- Dip Travel- Slanted P-Bars
3/8 Press Handstands
2 Passes- Handstand Walks- Fall or break form = 4

3/12 Reverse Leg Lifts- With foam block and form
3/12- Reverse Leg Kicks- with Ankle Weights- explosive
3/12- Side Sit Ups- With foam block- fully extended
2- 1 Minute- Handstands with foam block
3/30 Arch Rocks with foam block fully extended


Competitive Season

The maintenance phase is used to allow the body to concentrate on the fine tuning of the routines while at the same time maintaining an adequate amount of strength. This also is somewhat of a rest for the body so in fact the athlete will have more energy and feel stronger at the time of the competition.

1.) Legs-
2-1:30 Minute Sprints/ Tuck Jumps
2/10 Squat Jumps- Up onto Elevated surface
2- 30 Second Straight Jump- ( rabbit punches)
1-10 single leg roll and jumps

2.) Stomach-
1/15 uphill sit ups ( hold for 10 seconds on last rep.)
2/15 v-ups (elbows at ears)
2/10 Leg lifts ( knees straight and all the way to the bar)
Hollow rock/ cruncher circuit- (30sec. hollow hold, followed by 15 crunchers, followed by 30 sec. hollow rock, followed by 15 crunchers)
2/25 twisting sit ups ( opposite elbow to knee)

3.) Arms-
2/12 90 degree HSPU ( ankles only on the elevated surface)
2/10 pull ups
2/15 Push ups ( feet elevated, hands closer than shoulder width)
2/10 SAPs ( Straight arm pulls with weight)

4.) Back, Hamstrings, Calves
1/25 reverse sit ups ( elbows behind the head, lift to strong hyperextension)
2/10 hamstring push ups ( hook feet under mat, slowly lower down to hands)
1/25 single leg toe rises ( on elevated surface, full ROM.)
2/25 arch rocks (large ROM)

This program should reduce the time by 15 minutes. Use the extra for other weaker events.

Girls Team
Conditioning Program
You already got some nice replies.
I'd add more but I don't think you need any :)

Humm some really interesting replies. So much variation, between what we all do. Very cool

Here is a general idea of what we do. I don't have it typed up on the computer so i can't copy and paste.

Warm-up (about 7-10min)
3 laps around floor one way than 3 the other
Than we do stuff going from one corner to the other corner diagonally and than walk horizontally to the adjacent corner. We do basic exercises such as
1- Sideways high knee runs -- than from the corner walking across to the other corner walking in high releve, and opening the shoulders (so like stretching the shoulders) than repeat down to the corner and back. The same pattern is done for all exercises
2- Chasese (sideways) than pike walks
3- Front chases then to corner arm circles while walking on heels
4- Dish Jumps front than to corner ankle pivots than dish jumps backward
5- High front support walks (one holds the others with their feet on the shoulders)
etc.. we have about 10-12 exercises.

Floor barre (15min)
Kids get on the floor and than they do a set out floor barre, that is called out by the coach. It consists of quite a bit. Its done to music as well.
I will list the first few exercises so you can get an idea.
1- Sitting up legs infront. Leg lifts 5 on each leg, and repeat
2- Going back onto elbows. 10 front kicks. On the 10th kick the leg is held, and than move across and back, than down. And repeated twice.
Done for both Left and Right legt
3- Dish hold for 10sec, dish rocks for 10sec
4- Sideways kicks x 10 on the 10th kick leg is held cross so it touches the floor and back up and down. Repeat twice
5- Side arch hold x 10 side arch lifts x 10
6- Side support for 5sec down than there is a styalised transition into the other side to repeat
7- From the dance position (which is like a catch stretch on the floor) Jump to pike.
8- Foot treads
9- Back kicks x 10 and hold than stand up through scale. L and R

This is part one there are 3 parts to it.

Following that we do splits (7min)

Than we do leg and abs (one leg exercsies 1 shaping/ab exercises)
1- Skipping 30sec..rest 15 and repeat (LEGS)
2- L sit lift to V-sit x 10 or L-sit lift to tuck V-sit (if can't do V) x 10
3- Front somie rebound circuit. (from a 30cm box jump and rebound onto a 30cm mat -->Go to a 60cm box stretch jump and land--> then from 30cm box jump rebound into front somie onto 30cm mat ---> running punch front) x 7
4- Dish V-sit rolls (hold dish for 3sec than 2 FAST V-sits, roll through arch back to dish. Hold dish (or Hollow as you may know it as) for 3, 2 fast V-sit ups. and roll back through arch into dish. this = 1) x 6
5- Single leg runs x 2 lengths each leg.

And so on.. we have intotal about 9 exercsises 4 for each

Than we move onto conditioning

All this take up about 1.5hrs of the session.

Its all warm-up and physical preparation.

Sorry that i can't get into details, if i do i will be here all night righting it out. However i hope it gives you an idea of what we do. Personally we are very demanding during this part. everything has to be done as best as that individual can. Of course it sounds better than some of the stuff I see, but for most part it works. This is for our Juniors (Level 4-5's). Our pre-team as you call them do something similar, but watered down.
Warm Ups

I presume that as a level 8 gymnast you are from the USA. Here is a warmup i used for my Prov Level 4 gymnasts when i coached in Canada.

4 x sprint
4 x jazz run
4 x 2 ft hops
4 x pas chasse
4 x side chasse
4 x johnson
4 x split leap, side leap
4 x switch leap, side leap
5 x split jump
10 x ! hold ! is handstand
5 x 1 1/2 pirouette
5 x 2 1/2 turn on one foot on line
5 x jump 2/1
5 x 2/1 turn, jump 2/1
5 x scissone on line
5 x split jump, 1/2 turn on line
5 x straddle jump, straddle jump 1/2, jump 1 1/2
5 x straddle jump 1/2 turn on line
5 x pike jump
5 x wolf jump
10 x incurve hold (10 sec each)
2 x 5 incurve/outcurve rolls
10 press to !
2 x crank hops
2 x stretch jumps (1.5 meters distance of each jump)
30 x stride hops
10 x tuck jumps
2 x flexability (with partner)
2 x partner shoulders, pike/straddle
5 x bridges
5 x bhs on line
5 x bwo bhs
5 x bhs series
5 x aerials on line
5 x roundoff on line
5 x standing back tuck
5 x roundoff straddle jump bhs
5 x front handspring tuck jump dive roll

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