What Injuries Have You/Your Child Experienced From this Sport?

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Well IVe done all the usual things...numerous sprained ankles, wirsts, concussions but id say the worst two things ive done were tearing my ACL (had to have an op and wasnt allowed to restart any kind of training until 6 months after the op grrrr!) and a horrible layout flyaway on bars when i was 8 where my feet clipped and i landed straight on my arms. I dislocated both elbows and one should and fractured one arm in two places and the other in 4! UNbelievable amount of pain and unbelievably annoying casts and years of physio after lol!
Thankfully, my dd hasn't had any injuries. Aside from the occasional rip or bruise from splitting the beam, or rope burn, nothing! Now that I've said that I've probably jinxed her! ;)
Well IVe done all the usual things...numerous sprained ankles, wirsts, concussions but id say the worst two things ive done were tearing my ACL (had to have an op and wasnt allowed to restart any kind of training until 6 months after the op grrrr!) and a horrible layout flyaway on bars when i was 8 where my feet clipped and i landed straight on my arms. I dislocated both elbows and one should and fractured one arm in two places and the other in 4! UNbelievable amount of pain and unbelievably annoying casts and years of physio after lol!

OMG !!! How awful
Thankfully, my dd hasn't had any injuries. Aside from the occasional rip or bruise from splitting the beam, or rope burn, nothing! Now that I've said that I've probably jinxed her! ;)

Mine DD has never been injured either and I am sure that I have now jinxed her as well. :)
I am a level 4 gymnast on team. We practice 3 nights a week for 2 1/2 hours. I have broken my toe doing a shoot through on bars, and sprained my finger doing a standing back handspring.
My daughter has been training for 4 years and is now a level 7. The only injuries she has had are the minor bumps and bruises, falls from beam that left nasty marks on her legs and rib area, and she had some problems with her right foot this past spring. She fractured it in 2 places when she landed on beam doing a BHS. I feel like it had been coming for a while though because she had been working split leaps on beam over and over and over for a couple weeks prior to this trying to get ready for a big meet. As soon as the fractures healed and she came out of the boot cast, she almost immediately had trouble with the same heel. It just blew up, we thought it was going to burst. We had it MRI'd and fortunately nothing was torn. The MRI showed that she had severe, deep tissue and bone inflammation and bruising. back in the boot cast for a few weeks. She's all better now. But she wears a Cheetah heel cup and ankle support at all times in the gym now.

She's also walking around rubbing a bad bruise on her noggin' right now from a coach spot (elbow) last night on a layout on floor. It happens...;)
I have had...
A few sprained ankles
A broken thumb
A broken toe (I'm such a klutz, I was getting onto the trampoline and I fell)
MAJOR wrist pain.
Skinned off half the skin on my leg on beam :(
Contusion on my shoulder. (I over-flipped, and hit the wall. Luckily it was somehwat padded. But still, OUCH)
My hip and shoulder pop out all the time

Other than that just normal twists, cuts, etc.
Oh my I'm not sure I remember all of them:
-cracked bone in my knee that holds all of your muscles and ligaments on your leg
-stress fracture in ankle
-torn ligaments in wrist
-multiple bone spurs on ankle and foot (5 surgeries I believe to remove)
-torn Achilles tendon
-torn rotators cuff (surgery to fix)
-dislocated elbow (completely reconstructed)
-torn ligaments in ankle
-broken ribs
-broken tailbone
-pulled hamstring for a year
-pulled all muscles in back
-missed foot on flight series on beam landed sitting down (bruised thigh so bad some people can still see the outline of the bruise more than 20 years later)
-many bruises, cuts

I am sure there is more.
Emma-nothing serious. The worst is while learning roundoffs in preteam a ganglion cyst popped up-4 years later it is still there.

Ellie fell off beam last year. Twisted under it. Got a horrible black eye.

Both girls have the normal bruises they get from doing bars.
Knock on wood.. Beetle has been pretty lucky overall.

Her sprained ankle this year was the hardest for her since it pulled her out of L9 back to L8.

She had some terrible Wrist sprain a few years back.. gets some tendonitis in knees and wrists.

Of course countless rips and bar bruises

once she got a black eye by hitting her face on the bar (she was 5 or 6).
My 4 year old dd broke her wrist from a fall from tap swings 4 months ago. She also got a nasty rope burn that we are still dealing with this week from a one armed fall from the top of the rope. Honestly the rope burn has bothered her a lot more than the 2 broken bones she has suffered, one other from tripping at the swimming pool when she was 15 months old. Both broken bones she barely complained about but moms intuition and knowledge of her high pain tolerance keyed me in to having them checked out. She has the nickname The Beast at our gym. The doctor said to really pay attention when she complains because she isn't like your typical 4 year old when it comes to pain.
What a great poll to start. Supports my soap box as a physical therapist. I am passionate about doing what can be done to prevent injuries in our young athletes. Gymnasts, dancers, and cheer leaders keep my practice busy. Gymnasts need to do basic core conditioning and other specific muscle group strengthening. They should be conditioned before they hit the gym. They should not be doing drills that their muscles can't support. When a child has weak shoulder blade muscles and weak shoulder muscles, they should not be doing multiple drills walking or pushing off their arms. Many injuries can be avoided, or at least degree of injury and time for rehab shortened when a gymnast has the strength and flexibility to do what the skill requires. Will be interesting to see the results of your poll.
haha. i love this question!!
I have done the following...

-fractured my pinkie
-hyper extended both of my knees at the same time
and my favorite....

i pulled both of my hip muscles off of the pelvis bone!! (: everyone loves that. haha i did it about a year ago and was out for 2 months (ikr?? short time), and still have problems with my hips. i actually have to quit soon because of it. i can't do a lot of stuff witout it hurting. and it has spread onto the pelvis bone itself in the back and my spine. and it cause my shoulders to get really unflexible to where i can't get into a bridge on my own without my coach streetching out my shoulders about 3 different ways first. and i'm on prep op 2... and i can't do a bridge wothout my coach. wierd right?? haha but everyone has gotten used to it. (: so yeahh. thats my worst injury.
i haven't had that many injuries but at my last practice one girl broke her wrist and a another girl might have gotten a concussion :(:(
i have
-dislocated 3 fingers ( at the same time)
- 4 concusions in the same year ( it just wasn't my year :/ )
- broken my wrist
-dis located my elbow ( this one hurt)
- many sprains that weren't really noticed
- shin splits
- feet problems ( will need surgery when older)
- and i have recently torn my ACL and minescus, will be getting surgery this coming Thursday and i am out for a good six months until i am fully recovered to go back :p
I think I may have replied on here forever ago when it was first out but since then I have ruptured my acl and torn my meniscus in two spots had them repaired two weeks ago
I have:

-severly sprained my ankle and possibly tore a ligament
-dislocated my knee
-streched ligaments in my inner ankle and arch (my latest injury, out for up to 6 weeks :()
-a spondylolisthesis in my lower back

My 4y/o dd broke her elbow 3 months ago at the gym. Snapped it in half. Needed pins and surgery. She just started back in the gym this week and is just SO happy to be back!!

My 7y/o dd, just this week, has hurt her hip. Took her to the chiropractor and it was 'stuck'. Quick adjustment and it is feeling so much better now (thank goodness). She took the week off and will start again on Monday!

That's, thankfully, the only injuries we've had here!
I had a handful of the usual stuff- Osgood Schlatters, shin splints, sprained ankle, broken hand, but there was also a big ordeal with the unusual. I developed a condition called Paget von Schroetter, a deep vein thrombosis in the subclavian vein. I was just shy of my 13th birthday and extraordinarily young for the condition. It took a few days to diagnose but when the doctors finally figured it out I was told to go immediately to the hospital and the first procedure was done shortly after arrival. For the first procedure I was awake, just had the arm numbed, and had a tube inserted into my right arm to deliver blood thinners. My arm was taped to a board and I had to lie flat on my back. The next day the tube was removed, only to have the clot return. I then had to have the same procedure done again, this time with angioplasty- basically a balloon was inserted into my vein and blown up where the clot was. The vein was still not opened so I had surgery (they actually put me asleep for this one thank goodness!) to remove my right top rib to allow more room. I spent 13 days in the hospital (they only let me out then because it was my birthday and I cried), half of that in the ICU, and then spent 3 more months on blood thinners. I wasn't supposed to go back to gymnastics, but I gave it a shot for 2 more years.
The condition, at least in my case, was caused by too much upper body muscle mass and not enough space for it. The doctors just said that my body was not built to withstand gymnastics.
Fortunately for the parents and gymnasts out there, the condition is really rare, and I was told much more common among construction workers and body builders. I was the youngest person they had seen with the condition.
What a very scary list of injuries.

I never really hurt myself doing competitive gymnastics in high school close 25 years ago, but I've had my fair share of accidents this year.

hamstring pull
quad pull
whopping black eye doing an arabian right into my coach's forearm
and the ever dreaded ACL tear along with permanent cartilage damage

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