WAG What JO level does your gym start competing at?

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What JO level does your gym start competing at?

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level 4, but they compete bronze & silver xcel pior to that.
Level 3, but that has only been in the last couple of years. Before the new levels, we competed old L4 only the last year it was valid. Before that we started competing at old L5.
Our current L3 is an intro level, the leotard is cheaper (tank), they go to only a few meets and it's a lot less expensive than L4-up.
That's how the last gym my dd went to was. They started competing at old level 4, but it was actually considered pre-team and they only did a few local meets sort of to get a taste of competition without it being too serious.
Level 3. Although we had a large L3 team last year and many girls who had never done anything competitive so they had a few of them do a meet at L2 just to get a taste of it. DD had already competed Xcel bronze so she didn't have to do that.
Ours starts competing at level 2 but only since the levels were changed. Before that they started at level 3.
Our gym does a couple, optional, fun -- aka just ribbons for a score range instead of actual scores -- for level 2, but the girls who do that are considered pre-team and the team starts with either level 3 or 4 depending on the skills they have coming from pre-team.
While I voted L2, our L1s actually DO compete. L1s attend our in-house meets (3 per year) and compete non-sanctioned. And OMG - they are the cutest, squishiest things EVAH!!

If you want to have a good time, go watch the littles compete. It's hilarious.
Yes the L1s are adorable! I watched them compete at a meet right along side L7-10 gymnasts! L1 and optionals were the smallest groups at the meet so I guess they put them together in one session.

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