Where is USAG?

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In my mind, it makes more sense for the kids to wash their hands between every rotation rather than clean the equipment.

I have to admit, I agree with you here. You cannot clean the pbars....without completely changing that event. lol
For what it is worth USAG on the local levels are advising gyms on reopening and one can assume the local level is getting advised by the regional and/or national level, our gym owner indicated as much in a parental meeting about the upcoming reopening and what can and can not be done. The gym itself is working directly with a state health agency to make it as safe as can reasonably be expected but as has been mentioned by @Sk8ermaiden the main form of transmission is person to person via air vapor and we all know how polarizing that the mask topic can be.
For what it is worth USAG on the local levels are advising gyms on reopening and one can assume the local level is getting advised by the regional and/or national level

This is correct. There are national meetings weekly with the regional chairs... who then push the data to the state chairs... who then push the data to the state board. Home much this is done in the other regions and states... not sure... but it is happening in our region and state.

I was on our state board for the last two years... no longer... not due to coronavirus or anything... just had to focus more on my stuff and less on other people's stuff.
Remember... the toxic chemicals work after 10 minutes... but they don't necessarily dry after 10 minutes.

Just found out the CDC approved cleaner our gym will be using breaks down into simple saltwater after it has done its job - the whole staff has been trained on its use, and they have enough time for it to work and break down between groups. So that was cool, because I know the toxic chemicals in many cleaners are a concern too. And that info wasn't just from our gym, it was per our friendly neighborhood infectious disease/pandemic response specialist from the fire department, who helped them with their policies.

I also appreciated hearing from them that the main spread was not from contact, and the things they would try to do to increase airflow through the building and space between girls. So many gyms and parents are acting like "we're cleaning everying so it's super safe" and I feel like if you misunderstand the disease's transmission that severely, then I don't trust you to make good decisions WRT prevention. So all in all I think they're doing the most they can.

They did mention briefly that they had been in contact with USAG about best practices, but since the largest number that will be in the gym at one time is about 25/30, and that was "well under" the number/percentage of occupancy USAG gave them....I don't know what USAG is smoking. Technically according to our state+fire marshall, they could open at 25% of occupancy, which is just under 200 people, so...that's insane. It's a small gym.

My kid is in the first group in every day, (which is obscenely early, ugh), and also will only have 8 girls max, so I feel pretty decent, but if she was in one of the larger team groups, I think we'd be sitting out a few more weeks to see how it goes in our city.
I’m not sure what you’d like them to do exactly. Most comments have answered this already, but I’d like to add that some USAG content is for professional members only (owners, coaches, judges, etc), so the average surfer wouldn't see some content. I know I’ve had so many emails about all of this, so they are definitely doing something and issuing guidelines. Some things just aren’t for public viewing, and that’s ok. Rest assured, they are very much involved in helping the gyms through this.
USAG did send out some very specific recommendations yesterday. I know sent out video info as well. The only thing that I really noticed was recommending gymnasts wear masks to enter/exit the facility or in common areas/restrooms. Staff and spectators should be in masks.
Here you go...

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I happen to have both a gymnast and a competitive soccer player. The state soccer organization waited for the governor and then based on his recommendation canceled all spring matches. Soccer competition is state based. The individual soccer clubs are following local ordinances. It’s very similar to how gymnastics is working.
I happen to have both a gymnast and a competitive soccer player. The state soccer organization waited for the governor and then based on his recommendation canceled all spring matches. Soccer competition is state based. The individual soccer clubs are following local ordinances. It’s very similar to how gymnastics is working.
Interesting. Not here. Our club soccer followed the recommendations of US Club Soccer. Still not open. They even banned individual and small group privates under club coaches. The gyms are mostly open over here now.

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