The craziest parents don't think they are crazy . That's what makes them the craziest. It's in a parents nature to place blame anywhere but on their precious DD. Some Parents are incapable of believing that DD would ever do anything wrong and would never embellish or tell a lie (gasp, how dare I use that word , my DD would never)...
Parents also contribute heavily to children losing interest in the sport. Having someone living vicariously through you is a buzz kill. (Oh I have a special relationship with my DD unlike any other parent has ever had in the history of man kind, I am the best parent in the world. Only I can talk to DD about fear issues and help her to solve them and push through because I am the beast , I mean best , lol did I say beast?).
Because paremtal pressure absolutely contributes to fear as well. (Oh not in my case I am willing to do anything including extra privates , one on one fear counseling on the way home, during dinner, church, talk to your uncle and I will Watch every workout and be there to help you through it. Just between us the coaches don't know I have this special relationship with my DD they are so wrong ).
Because no Matter how much a parent tries the child can see right through them. (Oh. Not me, I am the coolest parent in the world and I am really awesome, again I am the best parent in the history of man kind.
Because as coaches we really don't have time to deal with the above issues over and over and over again. We are here to help children not parents, particularly the large group of parents that fall into this category. Hope that helps and is not offensive to the OP , as I am just responding to the general post.
