Wolf turns

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My daughter has been working on them on beam and says they are super hard. She has only accomplished a half.
I like the wolf turn at least as well as any of the other turns. I think wolf turns can be very pretty when executed well.
I also kind of like the side somi. I don't think the side somi is particularly pretty, but I think it's very impressive and pretty cool.

Her turns are AMAZING. I see a trend in the way the Netherlands trains its gymnasts.

2 other things REALLY jumped out at me when looking at this video:
1. They never moved her springboard that she used for her mount (!!)
2. I took a screen shot of the video to show the venue of NED's Olympic Trials - to compare vs. a screenshot of Simone at the beam the other night, to show the stark contrast of the venue of the US Olympic Trials. The difference in crowds, atmosphere, etc. is beyond amazing.

NED olympic trials.jpg
us olympic trials.jpg
Her turns are AMAZING. I see a trend in the way the Netherlands trains its gymnasts.

I generally love Dutch gymnastics and was really thrilled for them at last years worlds, it's just beautiful to watch. They have a great and well rounded, thought through program (unlike ours which has traditionally not been working since 1810) and seem to put a lot of focus on good execution and artistry.
I remember some Dutch coach saying that the artistry of movement doesn't stop on floor but extends to all four events.
For reals. Sadly gymnastics doesn't have nearly the same draw here as it does in the States. The Canadian team selection was made fairly quietly a couple of weeks ago. Your average Canadian probably can't name a member of the WAG team and if they can it's likely Ellie Black.
For reals. Sadly gymnastics doesn't have nearly the same draw here as it does in the States. The Canadian team selection was made fairly quietly a couple of weeks ago. Your average Canadian probably can't name a member of the WAG team and if they can it's likely Ellie Black.

Im not Canadian, but Brittany Rogers. [emoji4][emoji106]
Ok regarding the US trials, finally got to see, we are west of west. Still don't like them, but I liked Maggie's best.
I hate how wolf turns look... Especially the arms, they're just everywhere. But I have to give these gymnasts credit, I tried, and 1/1 is hard for me. They are a lot harder than they look but still ugly.
I went to Canadian WAG trials two weeks ago. Ticket $25, spectators maybe 200! Canadian gymnastics is just not the machine that U.S. Gym is.

But we are sending a full team.
Oh my...200 spectators,$25 tickets...sounds like just one of 100 invitationals you could find any weekend during competition season in the USA!
It was actually just added to the USAG JO code of points. 2/1 or 5/2 wolf turn riding to finish in stand = D skill

Apparently someone from Buckeye competed this at nationals and it was named after her. Who knew... o_O

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