WAG Woodward camps

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Jun 2, 2015
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So this year, my dad has finally let me go to Woodward camp!
I live in the U.K, and this summer I will be 18, so my dad will let me travel there by myself.

As I live so far away, it doesn't really make a difference to me weather I travel to Woodward PA, or Woodward West CA, as the flights are roughly the same price anyway!

So I was wondering which camp is better to go to?

The one in PA seems to have a bigger gym and more recreational activities, but the one is CA is slightly easier to get to as they pick up from LA international airport, which is just a direct flight.

Where as to travel to PA I have to get a connecting flight, or travel to Newark and make my way from there, which would require a hotel stay and a cab to a pick up point.

So is the camp is PA worth the extra travel effort?

I looked at IGC as well, but it seemed a bit more serious and more structured than Woodward!
I don't know much about the one in California. The on in PA is in the mountains next to an Amish farm. Very pretty hills. I've taken kids there as well as coached there. Most everyone enjoyed their visits. I haven't been for a while so I'm not sure of what changes they've made over the past 5 years or so. Gymnasts get what they put into the camp. i.e. If they want to go and just have fun, they have fun, if they want to just work on skills, they get a lot of work on skills. If they want to do some of both, they can.
I'd have to defer to someone else for information on their other locations.
We've never been to the one in PA, but my DD did go to Woodward here in CA last summer. It was great! She actually learned a lot of new skills, but that was really up to the athlete, because there was definitely time to mess around and just be there for the whole' fun of things'. My DD is very determined and repeatedly asked coaches for help each time they hit the gym.

They usually have 3 sets of gym training per day...a morning session, afternoon session, and early evening session. They also have like 4-5 places to eat , a good variety of food to choose from.

Woodward has a pool too.

My only concern is that it's also a skater/extreme park so there were lots of skater dudes around and my daughter was only 12 years old.:oops:
I think you should choose based on if, as a young solo traveler, you are comfortable with going to PA. My teammates have gone to CA and loved it. Woodward seems to be a blast no matter the location.
Have taken my dd to PA. No experience with CA.
PA - has a pool as well. As mentioned there are three training sessions available - you are required to go to the morning one. The others are optional.
They have a great ropes course, horseback riding (extra fee), bon fire nights, decent barbecue area. Nurse on site.
I too would never let my daughter at a young age go to PA by herself. I was a camp mom for the week.
Boy section on one side - which I have to say everyone boys and girls were well behaved.
Not sure how long of a drive from NY to Woodward it is. I would double check.
My dd loved the times that she went there. Once was with a very large group and once was with a couple of friends. She preferred the small group of friends cause they all had the same seriousness about gym.

Have fun
We've never been to the one in PA, but my DD did go to Woodward here in CA last summer. It was great! She actually learned a lot of new skills, but that was really up to the athlete, because there was definitely time to mess around and just be there for the whole' fun of things'. My DD is very determined and repeatedly asked coaches for help each time they hit the gym.

They usually have 3 sets of gym training per day...a morning session, afternoon session, and early evening session. They also have like 4-5 places to eat , a good variety of food to choose from.

Woodward has a pool too.

My only concern is that it's also a skater/extreme park so there were lots of skater dudes around and my daughter was only 12 years old.:oops:
I was going to send my then 7 year old to their PA camp but didn't like the idea of boys being around. She went to a camp in Vermont instead.
I was going to send my then 7 year old to their PA camp but didn't like the idea of boys being around. She went to a camp in Vermont instead.
Yeah that's why I mentioned that in my post. BOYS, lol! We're not ready for that to even be on the radar yet.:(
DD has been to the one in PA. It's really a great place. No experience with Woodward West but Woodward, PA is really in the middle of NOWHERE so yes, I can see transportation being an issue. Maybe an Amish family will take you there in their horse and buggy. ;)
have a great time, whatever you choose, but if you have never been to the states before, be prepared for a culture shock. Lots of things are way different to how they are here, even though the people sound vaguely familiar !
have a great time, whatever you choose, but if you have never been to the states before, be prepared for a culture shock. Lots of things are way different to how they are here, even though the people sound vaguely familiar !

Yes, I spent a week in New York back in October! Really good fun!
have a great time, whatever you choose, but if you have never been to the states before, be prepared for a culture shock. Lots of things are way different to how they are here, even though the people sound vaguely familiar !

Heavily overestimated! For young people the cultur shock is almost always worse when coming back. ;)
Do enjoy yourself, you can learn a lot about yourself traveling by your own, really worth it!

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