Would you send your DD - sick girl at gym?

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asymptomatic spread is not rare. in fact people are infectious up to 2 days before symptom onset and about the first week or so while symptomatic. also there are inefected people who remain asymptomatic the whole time (about 10%, another 10% with subclinical so not easy detectable symptoms like lung infiltrations and heart conditions) whose viral load is as big as that of symptomatic patients.
I just do not have that much faith in people to do the right thing.
Agreed. I was just commenting on your comment about how 'that explains alot'. Not having available testing for symptomatic cases is not what is causing the spread. It's the presymptomatic that is the issue.
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asymptomatic spread is not rare. in fact people are infectious up to 2 days before symptom onset and about the first week or so while symptomatic. also there are inefected people who remain asymptomatic the whole time (about 10%, another 10% with subclinical so not easy detectable symptoms like lung infiltrations and heart conditions) whose viral load is as big as that of symptomatic patients.

This is one of the biggest issues with covid, and this info not shared nearly enough.

If you feel you may have been exposed to the virus, you need to act as though you might be infectious. You may never show symptoms, yet could infect 100's.
Testing is accessible, but the results might take a while, because of the number of people testing.
My DD was required to do a COVID test for the overnight camp. We did the test on Monday, today is Friday, we are still waiting for the results.

Assuming that camp won't take her until the results are in, a test so far in advance doesn't seem very useful. Lots of time after the test to get infected.
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So, if she was exposed in the 2 days before showing symptoms or when the teammate had symptoms, I would quarantine until you get test results.
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I would not send my kid to gymnastics in this circumstance, no. The best we can do right now is act on whatever information we have in any given moment, and in this instance, you have evidence of contact (your daughter and all her teammates and coaches) with an illness that could be coronavirus. It's not worth the risk to my kid, to other kids, and to other family members. Good luck, OP. I know these decisions are really hard on everyone.
You have far more faith in the average American than I do
My comment wasn't in relation to how people act. It was in relation to the poster's comments about how not having testing for symptomatic folks explains why we are having such a difficult time getting control of it. It's not the lack of testing for symptomatic people. It's the lack of testing for presymptomatic
Assuming that camp won't take her until the results are in, a test so far in advance doesn't seem very useful. Lots of time after the test to get infected.

Supposed to be no more than 7 days before the camp starts, and we are expected to quarantine in the meantime.
If someone was at gym that might possibly have the Coronavirus, then nobody should be going until that person is tested. That includes people of all levels that are excited to be back in the gym.
If someone was at gym that might possibly have the Coronavirus, then nobody should be going until that person is tested. That includes people of all levels that are excited to be back in the gym.

Actually, they don't. Only those that had close contact with the person, so really, the training group and possibly the coach.
Assuming that camp won't take her until the results are in, a test so far in advance doesn't seem very useful. Lots of time after the test to get infected.
That’s right, and several camps just closed due to covid outbreaks. All of these camps required a negative Covid test prior to attending and some of the kids developed symptoms after they were at the camps and then tested positive.
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That’s right, and several camps just closed due to covid outbreaks. All of these camps required a negative Covid test prior to attending and some of the kids developed symptoms after they were at the camps and then tested positive.

I have heard of the one, big one. What other ones have closed? I am surprised that FlipFest/woodward have been able to go on so far.
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My daughter went to flipfest this summer. First timer. We ran the gamut of emotions and expectations on it. I kept feeling like we’d be lucky to squeeze it in before it shut down and was a little surprised when I actually dropped her off that it had really happened. It was the absolute highlight of my daughter’s summer and an extraordinary experience for her, and I’m so grateful she got to go. I’m also in the state with the camp that shut down and has 80-some positive cases. Our state requires negative tests for all campers; Tennessee, where flipfest is, does not. I have little point to make except that there’s a lot of randomness to this all, and even our best intentions may not be sufficient or effective or right. Everything is a measure of risk tolerance, and everyone has a different level of it. Kindness and nonjudgment are always in style, but especially so now.
I have heard of the one, big one. What other ones have closed? I am surprised that FlipFest/woodward have been able to go on so far.
Camp ozark was one, but the session had 900 kids. That’s just unreal! There were two in Arkansas and I just saw another in Missouri. It doesn’t sound like Flipfest has had any issues so far. I wonder if the reduced the number of kids in each session.
My daughter went to flipfest this summer. First timer. We ran the gamut of emotions and expectations on it. I kept feeling like we’d be lucky to squeeze it in before it shut down and was a little surprised when I actually dropped her off that it had really happened. It was the absolute highlight of my daughter’s summer and an extraordinary experience for her, and I’m so grateful she got to go. I’m also in the state with the camp that shut down and has 80-some positive cases. Our state requires negative tests for all campers; Tennessee, where flipfest is, does not. I have little point to make except that there’s a lot of randomness to this all, and even our best intentions may not be sufficient or effective or right. Everything is a measure of risk tolerance, and everyone has a different level of it. Kindness and nonjudgment are always in style, but especially so now.
My daughters absolutely love flipfest. I was about to sign them up again this year right around the time the quarantine hit and decided not to chance it for this year. It is really such a fun and positive camp!
Yes, Flip Fest halved the number of campers.

I also wondered...a couple of the camps I read about with outbreaks also had a very high population of high schoolers. Last I read, high schoolers were more like young adults than children in their likelihood of getting sick. I don't believe Flipfest has near the number of older kids.

Pine Cove, which is super popular in my state, had a bunch of counselors and high schoolers (from my area) get sick over multiple sessions. THEY KEPT GOING! I believe the next session had people get sick too and they finally shut down.
My daughter went to flipfest this summer. First timer. We ran the gamut of emotions and expectations on it. I kept feeling like we’d be lucky to squeeze it in before it shut down and was a little surprised when I actually dropped her off that it had really happened. It was the absolute highlight of my daughter’s summer and an extraordinary experience for her, and I’m so grateful she got to go. I’m also in the state with the camp that shut down and has 80-some positive cases. Our state requires negative tests for all campers; Tennessee, where flipfest is, does not. I have little point to make except that there’s a lot of randomness to this all, and even our best intentions may not be sufficient or effective or right. Everything is a measure of risk tolerance, and everyone has a different level of it. Kindness and nonjudgment are always in style, but especially so now.

I’m so glad to hear this as my daughter goes in two weeks and I’ve been worried that it may not be super fun because of the restrictions in place. It’s her first overnight camp so she has no expectations :). We are lucky the camp is in Tennessee because my state is not allowing overnight camps at all.

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