WAG Xcel Gold Floor Requirements

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Hello, I am currently coaching a team of Xcel golds, and I am hoping someone can help clarify possibilities of flight skills on floor. One of my girls used to be kind of iffy with back tumbling, but (despite being consistent for months), it's the week of a meet and she is panicking, and has gained herself a slight mental block on RO BHS. She will throw it in about half of her routines, so I'm not sure what we'll get at the meet. Her other tumbling pass is 2 connected flight skills, FHS step-out RO. I know she could replace the RO BHS with an aerial or a front tuck, but those aren't particularly consistent for her.
Could she use FHS step-out FHS for her other tumbling pass of 2 connected flight skills? Or is that too many FHS's in the routine for it to count? I haven't dealt with xcel much and I'm not usually the one who decides what skills they put in routines, so I'm pretty much clueless!
She also consistently throws standing BHS BHS, (can't do it out of a RO), but I wasn't sure this would count as 2 connected flight skills?
Thanks for any help! I know the technicalities of the requirements, but I'm not great with knowing which options are or aren't allowed!
I’m intrigued by the standing bhs bhs, because I’ve never considered that. She should be fine with the fhs series, though. It’s listed as an example of tumbling passes that fulfill the requirements.


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I’m intrigued by the standing bhs bhs, because I’ve never considered that. She should be fine with the fhs series, though. It’s listed as an example of tumbling passes that fulfill the requirements.
Thanks for the reply! Oh gosh, I’m not sure how I missed that in the examples, clearly I didn’t read very well, I was stuck on back tumbling ones!
She actually was the one who asked me about the standing bhs bhs, I had never thought of it, so I would still be curious to know if that would work…but I’ve never heard of anybody doing that for a series, so I had my doubts!
I think that it would count. I have one girl that does round off/bhs/bhs for her first pass and round off/ bhs for her second pass.
I believe the BHS BHS from standing would count. I have seen BWO BWO on floor count as pass in silver so that seems right. FHS stepout FHS and BHS BHS maybe?
Yes, either of those options will work. Flight skills can be used any number of times to fulfill requirements, provided they are in a different combination.
Yes, 2 standing bhs will work. I've seen a few girls compete it in my state. She should also be able to do three fhs since you can do three bhs in a routine as long as the pass is different.

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